Sen. Arlen Specter Switches To Democratic Party + Maddow: Just What We Need Another Consevr-a-Dem!

Dandelion Salad


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Maddow: Just What We Need Another Consevr-a-Dem!


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2 thoughts on “Sen. Arlen Specter Switches To Democratic Party + Maddow: Just What We Need Another Consevr-a-Dem!

  1. Pingback: Ed Show: Bernie Sanders on the Need for Single Payer Health Care System « Dandelion Salad

  2. Regardless of the reason behind why he did it, and he’s a politician after all, let’s not forget, he had a choice to make and he made it. However, with the way the Republican Party has been mutating into something that does no intelligent republican proud or even content, defections from the party shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. It’s obvious that the GOP has been acting like a chicken without its head, blind, no sense of direction, flopping all over the place aimlessly and without making any real sense, being run and represented by a bunch of extremist clowns, who when they aren’t coming up with the most inane, brainless and idiotic ideas that made them and the GOP a laughing stock and the butt of jokes, the best they can come up with is to knock down anything related vaguely to Obama, making it seem, sound and feel as more of a personal animosity they have against him than anything related to what’s good for the country. The Republican Party is so devoid of any direction or leadership that it has stooped so low as to have Rush Limbaugh, the racist clown, for a mouthpiece, and a number of several other cartoonish characters that degrade the very name of the party every time they open their mouths with out-of-this-world inane and idiotic comments or ideas. The GOP is in serious trouble, like it never had in its history. A party that could do no better than to parade around, as a proud hard republican, JO the Plummer, is nothing short of pathetic. With the sad and confused state the GOP is in, I’m surprised that anyone, with brains and dignity, would accept it upon himself to stay in this schizophrenic party, as it is now. It’s become, sadly, the party of the wackos, for lack of better words, and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Unless some serious soul-searching and fundamental changes start taking place in the Republican Party, the only ones left in it will be those who shame it and who brought it down to this guttery stage.

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