North Korea and Iran: So what does the West want? by William Bowles

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By William Bowles
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
6 August 2009

Some while back (InI passim) I used to write regularly on the London Independent’s allegedly progressive take on events but after awhile I just got sick and tired of reading the damn thing. However, I’ve had a change of heart and decided to pick up the cudgel again. Why?

Well last night, I was watching Channel 4 News’ coverage of the return of the two US journalists to the US from North Korea and the carefully orchestrated ‘low key’ PR event, managed no doubt by Obama’s Twittering, Myspaced, Facebookie posse. But how can anything be low-key when exposed to the News Corporation’s gaze?

The entire thing looked like the final night of the Big Brother house replete with copious tears, and profuse thanks to BC etc. Hey look, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that they’ve returned safely (but really, what were the odds of two of the Empire’s finest doing twelve years hard labour?)

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Is the Western Left afraid of revolution? by William Bowles

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By William Bowles
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
6 August 2009

Heretical no doubt but the history of the Left in the allegedly developed world is not exactly littered with success stories, worse still is our relationship with the developing world as the confusion surrounding who to support (or not to) in Iran most clearly reveals. And this is not a new phenomenon as the ideological battles, for example over Cuba, reveal, or more recently Venezuela. It seems that in spite of our failure to bring about an end to capitalism in no way impedes our desire to tell everyone else what should be done to bring about social change.

The traditional tag (on the left) is chauvinism, that is to say, bigotry and prejudice let alone arrogance, the old ‘we know best’ attitude but from whence does it come?

Most evidently, it’s far easier to pontificate about what ‘they’ should or should not be doing in some far off place rather than dealing with our own issues and most importantly, our own ruling class.
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A Plea To Barack Obama From The Guantánamo Uighurs by Andy Worthington

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by Andy Worthington
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
6 Aug. 2009

Four and a half months ago, 17 unjustly detained prisoners in Guantánamo wrote a letter to President Obama asking for their release. In the secretive world of Guantánamo, however, nothing is straightforward, and it has taken over four months for the letter to be cleared by the government’s censors and sent on to the White House.

The men who wrote the letter are Uighurs, Muslims from China’s Xinjiang province, who had fled their homeland because of Chinese persecution, and were sold to US forces by opportunistic Pakistani villagers during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

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Peace, Finally: Reflections on the Fourth Anniversary of Camp Casey by Cindy Sheehan

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By Cindy Sheehan
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
August 6,  2009

So much has happened in the last four years since about seven dozen of us marched down Prairie Chapel Road on August 05, 2005, in Crawford, TX to confront the now disgraced President George W. Bush!

Our little protest of a few people grew to tens of thousands of people all over the world who resonated with my simple question: “What Noble Cause?” What was a little spark on a hot and dusty small road in Texas turned into a blazing inferno of peace and justice that I never even imagined would happen. From Camp Casey to Peace has been a long road, but after much toil, we have finally arrived.

During that summer in August of 2005 of sweltering in constant 100+ degree-days (and nights), our country also experienced the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina and with our protest on the literal doorstep of the Idiot Emperor, George Bush, his regime was killed by his inept handling of both situations.

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Sibel Edmonds to break gag order + Turkey and Turkish agents

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by Luke Ryland
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Luke’s blog post
August 6, 2009

Bradblog has the full story on the latest Sibel Edmonds news. Here it is in full:

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Subpoenaed, Set to ‘Break’ Gag Order Unless DoJ Intercedes

Former agency translator called to testify in Ohio election case this Saturday on Turkish infiltration of U.S. government…

Unless the Dept. of Justice re-invokes their twice-invoked “state secrets privilege” claim in order to once again gag former FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, her attorneys have notified the department by hand-delivered, sworn letter of declaration [PDF] this week, that she intends to give a public deposition, open to the media, in response to a subpoena this Saturday in Washington D.C..

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