Farming with Nature

Yummy Juliet Tomatoes

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

CactusBumm on Sep 27, 2013

Permaculture is a design-based approach to practical sustainability, using systems thinking and approaches that combine regenerative ethics with ecological principles to create sustainable environments. Permaculture was developed in the sub-tropics (Australia) and thus there was some debate about how well it could adapt to practiced in Temperate climates. This film dispenses with any such worries. In this documentary, we take a look at a case study of permaculture in the Austrian Alps, which is snowed over for much of the year. Despise this, by using permaculture design and a lifetime’s experience, the farm here produces abundant and diverse yields, while attracting interest from people and restaurants far and wide.


Exclusive: Food, Inc. – A Review by Tricia Orr

In Defense of Food – A Review by Guadamour

from the archives:

Permaculture for Humanity

A Farm for the Future (must-see)