Fortress Toronto: Massive Security Clampdown for G8/G20 Meetings + Welcome to KKKanada

Democracy Now!
June 25, 2010

Fortress Toronto: Massive Security Clampdown for G8/G20 Meetings Most Expensive in Canadian History

World leaders have started arriving for the G8 and G20 meetings amidst a massive security crackdown that will mark the most expensive three days in Canadian history. Large swaths of Toronto’s downtown core have the appearance of a police state, with an estimated deployment of over 19,000 security personnel—nearly five times the number at the G20 in Pittsburgh last year. The security price tag is around $1 billion, and some predict the total summit cost will surpass $2 billion. [includes rush transcript]

John Clarke, founder of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty

Sharmeen Khan, spokesperson with the Toronto Community Mobilization Network

via Fortress Toronto: Massive Security Clampdown for G8/G20 Meetings Most Expensive in Canadian History


CODEPINK Activist Detained for Over 48 Hours at Canadian Border After Being Denied Entry to Canada


StartLoving3 | June 25, 2010

DN! G8 Toronto Security Crackdown (1) Massive

DN! G8 Toronto Security Crackdown (2) Massive


Welcome to KKKanada


Day 4 of the G20 and rebellions. The Indigenous Sovereignty March was the biggest one yet, with over a thousand peeps braving the nasty Toronto heat to show solidarity with Native folks. It was inspiring to see so many settlers coming out to support this action.


the Stimulator: Escape the Freedom Fence + G20 Queeruption + Bacon Bitz