The American “Pirate” Nation By Timothy V. Gatto

By Timothy V. Gatto
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
June 13, 2010

Since when did the United States advocate the first use of nuclear weapons? As long as we are on the subject of this “new” United States, when did we start the practice of torturing enemy combatants? In the same kind of light, when did we decide to rule the world? Do we have such a wonderfully managed country that it would be in the entire world’s interests that we control every nation? It sure seems to me that this is the mission of our government. We want the entire planet Earth as our empire. It appears that the recent UN resolutions against Iran put us in the driver’s seat even when it comes to Russia and China’s foreign policy.

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Why Vice President Joe Biden and USA Occupied Congress are Wrong! by Eileen Fleming

Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
13 June, 2010
revised 14 June, 2010

The Israeli blockade on Gaza was begun as a direct response to the election of Hamas in January 2006 and also as an evil sick ‘joke’ and not in response to Hamas seizing power back from Fatah!

On February 19, 2006,  Gideon Levy wrote for HA’ARETZ: Continue reading

‘R’Oil Indignation by Walter Brasch

by Walter Brasch
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
June 13, 2010

The British are upset with the United States. That’s not too unusual. There was this revolution thing a couple of centuries ago.

But America’s Number 1 ally is upset that Americans are blaming BP for that nasty little oil spill in the Gulf. You know, the one where as much as 1.7 million gallons of crude oil a day has given us new species of no-flight pelicans and black-skinned dolphins.

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Law of Value 4: Use-Value, Exchange Value, Value by Brendan M Cooney


June 13, 2010 — “And this is where any social theory must begin: with a study of the productive activity of people as they work to create the world they live in. Not only is this the best starting place for an analysis of society, it is also the best starting point for a radical social theory whose aim is to investigate the possibility of changing the world. If we realize that human society is not the result of some natural or divine eternal logic but merely the creation of our own labor then that means that we have the power to mold and shape that society as we see fit. In a capitalist society these creative powers take the form of an external world of value and capital that acts back upon society, shaping it against the will of its creators. Yet, in the end the world of capital is nothing but the product of our own creation. If we truly want to change the world it is not up to nature, God, fate or experts, but up to us. This is the radical challenge of the law of value.” Continue reading

Dr. Michael Rydelnik: My Search for Messiah (no longer available)

Dandelion Salad

[Each part is 26 minutes long.]

Day of Discovery

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

Stained glass at St John the Baptist’s Anglican Church (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For Christians (followers of Christ), Jesus is at the center of everything they believe. As a Jewish young man, Michael Rydelnik refused to even consider Jesus’ claim to be the promised Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures. But when his own mother, a Holocaust survivor, revealed to her family that she now believed in Jesus, it divided their family.

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