Naomi Klein to police: Don’t play public relations, do your goddamned job! + Judy Rebick: We won’t shut the F*ck up!

rabbletv | June 28, 2010

After the widely condemned police brutality during the G20 Summit in Toronto, crowds gathered for a protest in front of Police Headquarters in Toronto on Monday, June 28, 2010. There, Naomi Klein tore into the Toronto Police for choosing to “play public relations” instead of doing their job.

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Who Will Pay, Wall Street or Main Street – The Tobin Tax or The Vat? by Dr. Ellen Brown

by Dr. Ellen Brown
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
June 29, 2010

Wall Street banks have been saved from bankruptcy by governments that are now going bankrupt themselves; but the banks are not returning the favor. Instead, they are engaged in a class war, insisting that the squeezed middle class be even further squeezed to balance over-stressed government budgets. All the perks are going to Wall Street, while Main Street slips into debt slavery. Wall Street needs to be made to pay its fair share, but how?

The financial reform bill agreed to on June 25 may have carved out some protections for consumers, but for Goldman Sachs and the derivatives lobby, the bill was a clear win, leaving the Wall Street gambling business intact. In a June 25 Newsweek article titled “Financial Reform Makes Biggest Banks Stronger,” Michael Hirsh wrote that the bill “effectively anoints the existing banking elite. The bill makes it likely that they will be the future giants of banking as well.”

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Inheritance Lost: Must Baby Turtles Die for Oil Rigs To Live? By Robert S. Becker

by Robert S. Becker
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
June 29, 2010

Turtle hatchling
photo by Katy Pye
used with permission
© All rights reserved.

South Padre Island, Texas:

Sidestepping this week’s oncoming hurricane, my wife and I just returned from the south Texas coast where we observed 116 soup spoon-sized hatchling sea turtles marching boldly into the Gulf.  It was a heartrending turtle release full of beauty, promise and dread, an emblem of the fierce battle between life and death on the Gulf.  Today’s scorecard favors the grim reaper as spreading oil pollution menaces both our largest shrimp-turtle-fish nursery and up to one-third of the world’s oceans.

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No Blow Movement Grows By Shepherd Bliss

By Shepherd Bliss
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
June 29, 2010

Pretty Fall Leaves
photo by Dandelion Salad

Peter and Susan Kendall of Orinda, Northern California, are not your typical political activists. This couple really wants some peace and quiet, so they can be comfortable within their suburban home and with their backyard chickens, berries and tomatoes.

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Keiser Report №55: Ellen Brown on deficit terrorism

with Dr. Ellen Brown
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
June 29, 2010

RussiaToday | June 29, 2010 | 26 minutes

This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the latest scandals of invisible gorillas, virtual pay and China’s hi-tech underclass. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, about ‘deficit terrorism.’

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If Ralph Nader was asking questions to Supreme Court Nominee Kagan

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by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page
June 29, 2010

Supreme Court nominations are a rare opportunity for millions of Americans to watch, learn and converse about what the Court, the Constitution and the Justices mean for their way of life, their freedoms and their livelihoods.

Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee should consider asking Solicitor General Elena Kagan, who has been nominated to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, some or all of the following questions.

1. Do you believe that for-profit corporations should have First Amendment political speech rights identical to those of humans?

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John Pilger: There Is a War on Journalism

Dandelion Salad

Democracy Now!
June 29, 2010

John Pilger: There Is a War on Journalism

It’s been a week since Rolling Stone published its article on General Stanley McChrystal that eventually led to him being fired by President Obama. Since the article came out, Rolling Stone and the reporter who broke the story, Michael Hastings, have come under attack in the mainstream media for violating the so-called “ground rules” of journalism. But the investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker John Pilger says Hastings was simply doing what all true journalists need to do.

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Black Block get green light to rampage? + Jesse Freeston on Canadian national TV

G20 Toronto Black Block get green light to rampage?

CanadiansNanaimo | June 28, 2010 | 4:17

A photo Journalist describes his experience following the black block as they rampage through the streets of Toronto during the G20 Summit.

20,000 police and security officials and a $1 billion security budget were not enough to stop 75-100 black block anarchists from smashing windows and torching police cars during a 1.5 hour rampage. The Black Block were able to rampage through the street for 24 blocks until they reached the ‘official protest zone’ where they quickly changed clothes dispersed through the crowd of peaceful protesters and then left the site.

The police were fully aware of the rampage and watched the black block from a distance at a number of locations. It wasn’t until they had dispersed into a crowd of peaceful protesters who thought that they were in a sanctioned area that the police took action beating innocent people with batons and spraying them with pepper spray.

Why was this allowed to happen? Police abandoned police cars at Bay and King when they didn’t need to, why? Was this allowed to happen so the Harper government could justify an outrageous security bill when there was no credible terrorist threat (according to CSIS)? Who led this group of vandals? Were they infiltrated by government paid provocateurs as was the case in Montebello where police with masks and rocks attacked their own riot squad?

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