Olbermann: Attorney General Mukasey & The New 911 Evidence (updated)

Dandelion Salad

Updated: April 2, 2008


APRIL 01, 2008

MSNBC Keith Olbermann

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Updated: April 2, 2008

Mukasey Hints US Had Attack Warning Before 9/11

By David Edwards and Muriel Kane
04/02/08 “Raw Story

When Attorney General Mukasey delivered a speech last week demanding that Congress grant the president warrantless eavesdropping powers and telecom immunity, the question and answer session afterwards included one extraordinary but little-noticed claim.

Mukasey argued that officials “shouldn’t need a warrant when somebody with a phone in Iraq picks up a phone and calls somebody in the United States because that’s the call that we may really want to know about. And before 9/11, that’s the call that we didn’t know about. We knew that there has been a call from someplace that was known to be a safe house in Afghanistan and we knew that it came to the United States. We didn’t know precisely where it went.”

Blogger Glenn Greenwald picked up on Mukasey’s statement, suggesting, “If what Muskasey said this week is true — and that’s a big ‘if’ — his revelation about this Afghan call that the administration knew about but didn’t intercept really amounts to one of the most potent indictments yet about the Bush administration’s failure to detect the plot in action. Contrary to his false claims, FISA — for multiple reasons — did not prevent eavesdropping on that call.”

Keith Olbermann has now featured the story on MSNBC’s Countdown. “What?” Olbermann asked incredulously after quoting Mukasey. “The government knew about some phone call from a safe house in Afghanistan into the U.S. about 9/11? Before 9/11? … You didn’t do anything about it?”

“Either the attorney general just admitted that the government for which he works is guilty of malfeasant complicity in the 9/11 attacks,” Olbermann commented, “or he’s lying.”

“I’m betting on lying,” concluded Olbermann. “If not, somebody in Congress better put that man under oath right quick.”

After September 11, 2001, it was revealed that the CIA and FBI had intercepted a variety of messages including phrases such as “There is a big thing coming,” “They’re going to pay the price” and “We’re ready to go.” None of these messages gave specific details and none reached intelligence analysts until after the destruction of the World Trade Center.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “Mukasey did not specify the call to which he referred. He also did not explain why the government, if it knew of telephone calls from suspected foreign terrorists, hadn’t sought a wiretapping warrant from a court established by Congress to authorize terrorist surveillance, or hadn’t monitored all such calls without a warrant for 72 hours as allowed by law. The Justice Department did not respond to a request for more information.”

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Attorney General Mukasey lies about 9/11 & international spying

Olbermann: Sadr State of Affairs + Gore More Years? + Worst + Bushed! (9/11)

Countdown: Mukasey’s FISA Fables – Lies or Admissions?

Mosaic News – 3/31/08: World News from the Middle East

Dandelion Salad



This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only be viewed by a mature audience.


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“Iraqis Bury Their Dead,” Al Jazeera English, Qatar
“‘Operation Knights’ Creates Humanitarian Crisis,” Dubai TV, UAE
“Lebanese Await Outcome of Arab Summit,” Al Arabiya TV, UAE
“Algeria Taking Advantage of the Polisario Conflict,” Al-Alam TV, Iran
“Construction of Settlments Increases Since Annapolis,” Al Jazeera TV, Qatar
“Land Day in the Galilee,” Al Arabiya TV, UAE
“Sixty Percent of Americans Support Israel,” IBA TV, Iran
“The Birthday of the Islamic Republic,” IRIB2 TV, Iran
“Al Azhar University,” Abu Dhabi TV, UAE
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Olbermann: Bush Booed At Ballgame + The first “Special Comment” + Exit Strategy

Dandelion Salad


Mar. 31, 2008

Added: April 01, 2008

Bush Booed At Ballgame

Booed at the Ballgame: For a President of the United States, there is nothing quite like experiencing the barometer of public opinion, in person, from a crowd that has not been vetted for affection. President Bush, who even his fiercest critics acknowledge is a pretty good baseball fan, threw out the first pitch on the deliriously happy occasion of the grand opening of the first new baseball-only stadium in Washington since 1901. And they still booed him.

The first “Special Comment”

5 Years of Countdown: We celebrate five years to the day, of the first newscast in this series, by returning to a date slightly more recent. August 30th, 2006. The first “Special Comment.”

Exit Strategy

Keith speaks with Richard Wolffe.

Past Due: It may happen exactly as Senator Clinton has predicted. Party leaders and Super-Delegates, not the pledged kind selected by the voters, rearing up and taking command of the Democratic party, determining that one potential presidential nominee can succeed and the other cannot; that one can lead them to the White House, and the other can lead them only to friction and even fracture, and saying to one of them, “in the name of God, go.” Only, they may not do it to Senator Obama. They may do it to her.


Olbermann: Sadr State of Affairs + Gore More Years? + Worst + Bushed! (9/11)

Keith Olbermann Delivers One Hell Of a Commentary on Rumsfeld (video & transcript)

The New York Times v. Hugo Chavez by Stephen Lendman

Dandelion Salad

by Stephen Lendman
Global Research, April 1, 2008

Carly Simon’s theme song from the 1977 James Bond film “The Spy Who Loved Me” says it all about The New York Times’ agitprop skill – “Nobody Does It Better” nor have others in the media been at it longer. Most important is The Times influence and reach and what media critic Norman Solomon says about its front page. He calls it “the most valuable square inches of media real estate in the USA.” It’s read by government, business leaders and opinion-makers everywhere and for that reason is hugely important.

Hugo Chavez is its frequent target, and Simon Romero has the assignment as The Times’ man in Caracas. His latest March 30 offering is headlined “Files Suggest Venezuela Bid to Aid Columbia Rebels,” and it relates to the spurious claim that captured FARC-EP computers contained potentially smoking-gun evidence “t(ying) Venezuela’s government to efforts to secure arms for Colombia’s largest insurgency” and is aiding its efforts through funding and other means to destabilize the Uribe government.

Romero states: “Officials taking part in Columbia’s investigation….provided (NYT) with copies of more than 20 files, some of which also showed contributions from the rebels to the 2006 campaign of Ecuador’s leftist president, Rafael Correa.” One piece of correspondence from November 21, 2006 “describes a $100,000 donation to (Correa’s) campaign.” Alvaro Uribe noted it and others but so far hasn’t released them. For his part, Correa vigorously denies the charge and said the files lacked “technical and legal” validity.

Romero stops short of claiming the files are legitimate, but refuses to suggest they’re not. He also ignores Chavez’s mediating role to secure prisoner releases on both sides. He does, however, quite suggestively accuse Chavez and Correa of links to the FARC-EP “which the United States says is a terrorist group and has fought to overthrow Colombia’s government for four decades.”

Romero, like his mainstream colleagues, never lets facts interfere with his mission. Here he claims “Colombian officials who provided the computer files adamantly vouched for them (and they) contained touches that suggested authenticity:….revolutionary jargon, passages in numerical code, missives about American policy in Latin America and even brief personal reflections” by FARC-EP commanders. Moreover, “files made public so far only scratched the surface of the captured archives” without a hint from him that they’re simple to fake (or invent) and Washington and Bogota have every incentive to do it as a way to vilify FARC-EP and Chavez as part of their imperial project.

Romero quotes Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos saying Colombia retrieved more than 16,000 files from three computers belonging to Luis Edgar Devia Silva, aka FARC-EP commander Raul Reyes who was killed in the Ecuadorean cross-border incursion. In addition, claims of two other hard drives captured were also made. Santos said “Everything has been accessed and everything is being validated by Interpol (that’s pretty closely tied to western interests and functions to serve them as called on). According to Santos, “a great deal of information” was gotten “that is extremely valuable and important.”

He further claimed (plausible or not) that the computers survived the bombing raid intact “because they were in metal casing” and emphasized that he didn’t regret a thing about Colombia’s aggression against its neighbor.

For his part, Chavez responded and Romero at least quoted him, no doubt because it was from a meeting with foreign journalists who did as well. Chavez mocked the supposed evidence saying: “The main weapon they have now is the computer, the supposed computer of Paul Reyes. This computer is like a la carte service, giving you whatever you want. You want steak? or fried fish? How would you like it prepared? You’ll get it however the empire decides.”

“Desert” may have been a January 25, 2007 letter by Ivan Marquez, a member of the FARC-EP’s seven-member secretariat discussing a meeting with a Venezuelan official named “Carvajal,” apparently referring to General Hugo Carvajal, Venezuela’s military intelligence director. Its contents were claimed to state a “pledge (to bring FARC-EP) an arms dealer from Panama.”

Still another offering was correspondence from January 18, 2007 suggesting Chavez would provide a $250 million loan to buy arms and would be repaid “when we take power.”

Romero then attacks the FARC-EP with familiar innuendoes that appear throughout the major media to smear it unjustly. He also suggests the possibility of Washington designating Venezuela a state sponsor of terrorism but considers it unlikely because of its importance as a major US oil supplier.

Even so, California Republican Darrell Issa (and 22 co-sponsors) introduced House Resolution (HR) 965 in February condemning Venezuela as a state sponsor of terrorism, and Florida Republicans Connie Mack and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (and 8 co-sponsors) introduced a similar HR 1049 in March that “condemned the Venezuelan government for its support of terrorist organizations” with direct reference to the FARC-EP. These efforts won’t likely get far, and for now at least, view them as politics as usual in a year when all House members are up for reelection and need to rev up their constituencies for support. It makes Chavez a favorite target with a complicit media going along.

In sum, Romero and others like him in the mainstream, keep at their appointed mission – attacking the most model democracy in the region with a clear and purposeful aim – to destabilize, destroy and transform Venezuela into the alternate model Uribe represents: uncompromising hard right; hugely repressive; linked to Colombia’s death squads and drug cartels; a supporter of state terrorism; a government riddled with corruption and scandal; and George Bush’s favorite Latin America leader because of all of the above.

Expect lots more Romero commentaries like this one that are part of what Eva Golinger calls America’s “asymmetric – 4th Generation War – against President Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution.” The dark forces Romero represents won’t quit so more enlightened ones like Golinger and others must keep exposing their schemes to protect Venezuela’s glorious experiment that’s working.

Global research Associate Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Republic Broadcasting.org Mondays from 11AM to 1PM US Central time for cutting edge discussions with distinguished guests.


The CRG grants permission to cross-post original Global Research articles on community internet sites as long as the text & title are not modified. The source and the author’s copyright must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: crgeditor@yahoo.com

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For media inquiries: crgeditor@yahoo.com
© Copyright Stephen Lendman, Global Research, 2008
The url address of this article is: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8505

The World According to Monsanto – A documentary that Americans won’t ever see (video)

Verduras Monzanto

Image by ARA 3Xilos via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Note: replaced video Oct. 6, 2012

“[This] is a 2008 film directed by Marie-Monique Robin. Originally released in French as Le monde selon Monsanto, the film is based on Robin’s three-year-long investigation into the corporate practices around the world of the United States multinational corporation, Monsanto. The World According to Monsanto is also the title of a book written by Robin.” Continue reading

Attorney General Mukasey lies about 9/11 & international spying

Dandelion Salad

by Larry Chin
Global Research, March 31, 2008
Online Journal

In a recent speech at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club, Attorney General Michael Mukasey defended the Bush-Cheney administration’s illegal domestic spying agenda by proclaiming that the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented if the government had been able to monitor overseas phone calls to the United States.

Like every other member of the Bush-Cheney administration, Mukasey is lying. Lying about the fact that the “war on terrorism” is a fabrication. Lying about the pervasive worldwide eavesdropping capabilities of US intelligence agencies. Lying about the fact that 9/11 was a long-planned Anglo-American false flag covert operation.

According to Mukasey’s spin on the now-classic 9/11 fiction, Bush-Cheney “knew there had been a call from some place that was known to be a safe house in Afghanistan and we knew that it came to the United States. We didn’t know precisely where it went. We’ve got 3,000 people who went to work that day, and didn’t come home, to show for that.”

In typically wide-eyed fashion, the San Franciso Chronicle report proceeds to add more red herrings to the proceedings, noting that “Mukasey did not specify the call to which he referred. He also did not explain why the government, if it knew of telephone calls from suspected foreign terrorists, hadn’t sought a wiretapping warrant from a court established by the Congress to authorize terrorist surveillance, or hadn’t monitored all such calls without a warrant for 72 hours as allowed by law.”

Mukasey did not bother to mention any of these things, because he knows that the US government’s spying capabilities are overwhelming, and that their continuous (illegal) use trumps congressional oversight, and the law itself.

Investigators such as former NSA operative James Bamford (author of the expose of the NSA, Body of Secrets) and Mike Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil have thoroughly detailed the pervasiveness and effectiveness of a wide range of spying and intelligence programs used by intelligence and law enforcement agencies. These include Echelon and PROMIS, which are used by operatives in criminal fashion, as ordered by high-level officials, specifically to get around all oversight.

As written by Ruppert: “Echelon is a highly secret technical intelligence gathering system used to monitor worldwide communications and coordinated in the U.S. by the National Security Agency. Participating countries, who eavesdrop on the citizens of the other member countries — to avoid civil restrictions preventing governments from spying on their own citizens — then pool and share their information. Participating countries include the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain and Germany. The eavesdropping covers both telephone and email communications.

“According to a Feb 13, 2001, UPI story detailing Echelon’s use against bin Laden and other terrorist organizations, ‘The targets of Echelon center on the penetration of the major components of most of the world’s telephone and telecommunications systems. This could cover conversations NSA targets. Also included are all the telexes carried over the world’s telecommunications networks, along with financial dealings: money transfers, airline destinations, stock information, data on demonstrations or international conferences and much more.’”

In Crossing the Rubicon, and in his many investigations for From The Wilderness, Mike Ruppert exposed the fact that intelligence agency penetration and foreknowledge leading up to 9/11 was complete: “Long before 9/11, US and foreign intelligence had achieved penetrations of al-Qaeda by human, signal and electronic intelligence,” and that “there was very little that al Qaeda did that the Bush administration and many other governments were not aware of.”

Furthermore, Ruppert noted that “based upon what is known about successful intelligence penetrations for years prior to the attacks of 9/11, Osama bin Laden could not have sneezed without the CIA or the NSA knowing about it.”

“Al-Qaeda,” an Anglo-American covert operation, was not only thoroughly penetrated, but guided and manipulated into fulfilling their roles.

As exposed by Michel Chossudovsky in his book, America’s “War on Terrorism”: “The foreknowledge issue is a red herring. The ‘Militant Islamic Network’ is a creation of the CIA. In standard CIA jargon, Al Qaeda is categorized as an ‘intelligence asset’ . . . support to terrorist organizations is an integral part of US foreign policy. Al Qaeda continues to participate in CIA covert operations in different parts of the world.”

Anglo-American involvement with “the terrorists,” and the Bush-Cheney administration’s role behind 9/11 are, of course, the focus of a gargantuan cover-up at the highest levels of world governments. “Al-Qaeda” is a perpetual covert operation, supported by a bipartisan consensus. (See “Who is Osama bin Laden?” and “Al-Qaeda: the database”.)

It is no surprise that Mukasey (who was installed specifically to continue Bush-Cheney’s torture, domestic spying and world war agendas) and other members of the Bush-Cheney criminal syndicate will never stop lying about the overwhelming and complete surveillance that agencies such as the CIA and NSA have enjoyed over the US population (and, indeed, the entire world, including pinpoint real-time penetration of terrorist and intelligence-supported “terrorist” groups) for decades.

Mukasey and others continue to wield the fear-based 9/11 fabrication to expand the endless “war on terrorism,” justify carrying out brutal criminal activities out in the open, and to fully install a “Homeland Security” police state within US borders.

The CRG grants permission to cross-post original Global Research articles on community internet sites as long as the text & title are not modified. The source and the author’s copyright must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: crgeditor@yahoo.com

www.globalresearch.ca contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of “fair use” in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than “fair use” you must request permission from the copyright owner.

For media inquiries: crgeditor@yahoo.com
© Copyright Larry Chin, Online Journal, 2008
The url address of this article is: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8500


Olbermann: Sadr State of Affairs + Gore More Years? + Worst + Bushed! (9/11)

Countdown: Mukasey’s FISA Fables – Lies or Admissions?

Telecom Immunity: Playing the “9/11 Card” … Again

Dir C.I.A Gen Hayden on Torture & Iran’s nuclear program (videos)

The Torture Tape Cover-up: How High Does It Go? by Prof. Marjorie Cohn

Bush invokes 9/11 to justify torture, domestic spying and war by Patrick Martin



Those Who Control Oil & Water Will Control The World

Dandelion Salad

By John Gray
03/30/08 “The Observer

New superpowers are competing for diminishing resources as Britain becomes a bit-player. The outcome could be deadly

History may not repeat itself, but, as Mark Twain observed, it can sometimes rhyme. The crises and conflicts of the past recur, recognisably similar even when altered by new conditions. At present, a race for the world’s resources is underway that resembles the Great Game that was played in the decades leading up to the First World War. Now, as then, the most coveted prize is oil and the risk is that as the contest heats up it will not always be peaceful. But this is no simple rerun of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, there are powerful new players and it is not only oil that is at stake.

Continue reading

Global Gridlock: How the US Military-Industrial Complex Seeks to Contain & Control the Earth & it’s Eco-System

Dandelion Salad

by Dr. Kingsley Dennis
Global Research, March 31, 2008


The Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges once famously wrote of a great Empire that created a map that was so detailed it was as large as the Empire itself. The actual map itself grew and decayed as the Empire itself conquered or lost territory. When the Empire finally crumbled, all that remained was the map. In some sense we can say that it is the map in which we live; we occupy a location within a simulation of reality. Although semanticists say that ‘the map is not the territory’, within this digitised age the territory is increasingly becoming the map and the separation between the physical and the digitised rendition is blurring. In this context, to ‘know the map’ gives priority to intervene upon the physical. In recent years many of us have been scrambling to get ‘on the Net’ and thus be ‘mapped’; within a few years we may find that living ‘off the Net’ will no longer be an option.

It is my argument that the future direction of present technological emergence is one that seeks to go beyond networks; rather it is towards ubiquitous technologies that offer a complete immersive (or rather ‘sub-mersive’) experience of a digitised environment. With networks there is always the possibility of moving into the grey and illusive areas in-between. These are the areas where the networks do not, or cannot, cover; neglected zones of poverty and risk, and insecure zones of warlord regions, and smuggling zones. With immersive technological mapping there may one day be no ‘spaces in-between’; the distinction between ‘in’ and ‘out’ dissolved; boundaries melted away under the digital gaze. In this article I argue that the US military-industrial complex is attempting to gain full dominance over the complete information spectrum, including dominating the electro-magnetic spectrum and the Internet, in order to gain full total coverage for purposes of containment and control.

Moving Towards Full Spectrum Dominance

As is now well-known, in 2002 the US Pentagon’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) responded to the alleged lack of intelligence data after the September 11th attacks by establishing the ‘Total Information Awareness’ office, commandeered by John Poindexter1. According to Poindexter’s own words,

“We must be able to detect, classify, identify, and track…This is a high level, visionary, functional view of the world-wide system…The mission here is to take the competing hypotheses from the analytical environment and estimate a range of plausible futures. The objective is to identify common nodes, representing situations that could occur, and to explore the probable impact of various actions or interventions that authorities might make in response to these situations.” (Poindexter, 2002)

The latest program in this surveillance project is the Space Based Infrared System (called SBIRS High) that aims to track all global infra-red signatures as well as, what is termed, ‘counterspace situational awareness’ (Dinerman, 2004). The 80s ‘Star Wars’ missile defence project of Reaganite US security policy has been craftily converted into intercepting today’s ‘enemy’: not necessarily rogue missiles, but information and domestic ‘earth-bound’ security. The US military also has in operation the IKONOS remote sensing satellite, which travels at 17, 000 mph 423 miles into space, circumnavigating the globe every 98 minutes, with a 3-foot resolution capacity. Such satellites belong to the private company Space Imaging Inc, who work for the military due to US law that restricts the US government operating upon their own soil (Brzezinski, 2004). Also, the US military RADARSAT satellite uses radar to see through clouds, smoke and dust. The US National Security Agency (NSA) utilizes top of the range KEYHOLE-11 satellites that have a 10-inch resolution, which means headlines can be read from someone sitting on a bench in Iran, although this resolution remains officially unacknowledged (Brzezinski, 2004).

As an example of more distributed and networked ‘industrial/civil surveillance’, many bridges within North America have acoustic sensors and underwater sonar devices anchored to the base of the bridges to check for the presence of divers, to prevent anyone from placing explosives on the riverbed. These devices are then linked to a central hub for monitoring information feedback. Such post 9-11 fears have led to the setting up of USHomeGuard, a private company established by Jay Walker (founder of Priceline.com), which utilises over a million webcams to watch over 47,000 pieces of critical infrastructure across the US, eg; pipelines, chemical plants, bridges, dams. These webcams are monitored continuously by observers working from home (Brzezinski, 2004). Crandall sees this as a part of the emerging ‘contemporary regime of spectacle…machine-aided process of disciplinary attentiveness, embodied in practice, that is bound up within the demands of a new production and security regime’ (Crandall, 2005). This operational practice, as Crandall sees it, confirms a ‘codification of movement’ and ‘manoeuvres of strategic possibility’, and leading to a ‘resurgence in temporal and locational specificity’ (Crandall, 2005). This is directly related with the US military construction towards an agenda of complete coverage: in their terms, ‘full spectrum dominance’2. In 1997 the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force predicted that within three years ‘we shall be capable of finding, tracking, and targeting virtually in real time any significant element moving on the face of the earth’ (cited in Crandall, 2005).

Perhaps a little premature yet it appears that the US military-industrial machine is attempting to enclose the global open system; to transform it and enmesh it within a closed system of total information awareness; to cover, track, and gaze omnisciently over all flows, mobilities, and transactions. It is a move towards a total system, an attempt to gain some degree of mastery over the unpredictability of global flows through the core component of dominating informational flows. As part of this project the US military are currently establishing a linkage of satellites into what has been dubbed the military ‘Internet in the sky’, which will form part of their secure informational network named as the Global Information Grid, or GIG (Weiner, 2004). First conceived in 1998, and now in construction, $200 billion has already been estimated as a cost for both the hardware and software (Weiner, 2004). This war-net, as the military also term it, forms the core of the US military’s move towards appropriating network-centric warfare (Arquilla and Ronfeldt, 2001a; Arquilla and Ronfeldt, 2001b; Dickey, 2004; Weiner, 2004). The chief information officer at the US Defense Department was noted for saying that ‘net-centric principles were becoming “the centre of gravity” for war planners’ (Weiner, 2004). Some of the names of the military contractors involved in this project include Boeing; Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard; IBM; Lockheed Martin; Microsoft; Raytheon; and Sun Microsystems (Weiner, 2004). As part of this complete coverage – or ‘full spectrum dominance’ – the US military hopes to be able to communicate and control an increasing arsenal of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), integrated into what they are calling the ‘Multimedia Intelligent Network of Unattended Mobile Agents’ (Minuteman). This in turn is part of a larger military project on Intelligent Autonomous Agent Systems (Science-Daily, 2002).

Recently, a document entitled Information Operation Roadmap was declassified by the Pentagon and made public by the National Security Archive on January 26, 2006. According to this document the term ‘information operations’ includes

The integrated employment of the core capabilities of Electronic Warfare, Computer Network Operations, Psychological Operations, Military Deception and Operations Security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decisions-making while protecting our own. (DoD, 2003: 22)

The document continues by outlining how the US military needs to secure a future electromagnetic capability ‘sufficient to provide maximum control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, denying, degrading, disrupting, or destroying the full spectrum of globally emerging communication systems, sensors, and weapons systems dependant on the electromagnetic spectrum’ (DoD, 2003: 61). Clearly, the recommendation here is for developing, and extending, current capabilities in order to have full and complete dominance over all globally emerging telecommunications and their hardware.

This shift in military affairs involves re-strategizing informational systems toward what the military see as a ‘transformational communications architecture’ to ‘help create a nimbler, more lethal military force to which information is as vital as water and ammunition’ (Dickey, 2004). Brig. Gen. Robert Lennox, deputy chief of the Army Space and Missile Defense Command, describes the military vision as ‘one seamless battlefield, which is linked without the bounds of time or space, to knowledge centres, and deployment bases throughout the world’ (Dickey, 2004). Beginning in 2008 the US Navy plans to replace its Ultra High Frequency Follow-On satellite network with a Mobile User Objective System which will provide voice and data communications through wireless hand-held receivers as part of the Global Information Grid (GIG). The ‘Internet in the Sky’ that will form part of the GIG will consist of both AEHF and TSAT satellite programs (Dickey, 2004). Each AEHF satellite has the capacity to serve as many as 4,000 networks and 6,000 users at once; and the proposed TSAT satellites are claimed to be ten times more powerful than the AEHF. These proposals are currently underway as part of the US’s ‘revolution in military affairs’ to develop not only a superior battlefield information network but also to ‘extend the information grid to deploy mobile users around the globe, creating a new capability for combat communications on the move’ (Dickey, 2004). As for the new generation of surveillance satellites launched since 2005, when these systems are fully operational the elite military complex will be able to gain precise information not only upon alleged ‘enemies’ but also upon the movements of almost any individual upon the planet, at almost any time, anywhere. The complexity of security communications and sensitive information is being targeted within military strategy in an effort to enclose all; to survey the full spectrum of an open system in a bid to collect and contain. In short, to transform the unknown into a known closed system: the containment of the complex global system. This also can be seen within the security of complexity, circulation, and contingency.

Dillon considers that this ‘global security problematic’ is concerned with the circulation of everything as in ‘a systemically interdependent world everything is connected or, in principle, is able to be connected, to everything else’ (Dillon, 2005). For Dillon, circulation shifts the new global security problematic ‘from a “geo-strategic” into an “ecological” problem characterised by the escalatory dynamics of complex interdependencies’ (Dillon, 2005). The challenge of global security in this context lies in the contingency between calculability and doubt. Dillon further sees this as being behind the trend in US military affairs towards the complexity sciences: ‘the fascination of military-strategic science in the United States especially with complexity, chaos, nonlinearity and the new science of life introduced by the digital and molecular revolutions has proclaimed as much since the early 1990s’ (Dillon, 2003).

Security and power relations now clearly transcend traditional geo-political boundaries. Security is both socio-technical and biometric, with the security problematic becoming increasingly virtual and codified, ordered with attempted control of disorder (Dillon, 2003). The militarization of complex global open systems has serious implications for issues of civil liberty, and notions of the surveillance state.

Such domains of complex interdependencies are radicalising, in a militaristic sense, information, communication, command, control, and surveillance. The internal/external circulation and flows characteristic of open systems (whether informational or physical) are under interrogation from Western hegemonic, specifically US, military strategies in an attempt to close them down, plug-up the pores of flows and to blanket-coverage all potential contingencies. These are the operations of clandestine strategies that seek to contain the unpredictable and to map all physical-digital movements and traces.

Emerging technologies that ‘locate’ and ‘trace’ present a world where ‘every object and human is tagged with information specifications including history and position – a world of information overlays that is no longer virtual but wedded to objects, places, and positions’ (Crandall, 2005). Such meshing of the physical and the digital through the medium of sentient communicators is what is foreseen here as steering towards a digitally-rendered global system vulnerable to control via a technical-military elite. This scenario is exactly that as envisioned by ex-US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski, in his ‘Between Two Ages : America’s Role in the Technetronic Era’ (1970), put forward the concept of a future ‘technotronic era’ whereby a more controlled society would gradually emerge, dominated by an elite unrestrained by traditional values. Brzezinski wrote that ‘Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information’ (Brzezinski, 1970: 1), adding that surveillance and data mining will encourage ‘tendencies through the next several decades toward a technocratic era, a dictatorship leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them’ (Brzezinski, 1970: 12). By gaining control over informational technological communications Brzezinski outlined how this could help achieve control and order over the public:

“Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.” (Brzezinski, 1970: 252)

Also important to consider is that many military technologies become appropriated and absorbed into civil technologies. For example, by 2003 a quarter of all rental vehicles at US agencies used some form of GPS tracking: not only for driver-location but also for the rental agency to know where the car has travelled, and its speed. Also, cars with speakerphones can be enabled from remote devices in order to listen in and eavesdrop on occupants in a car under surveillance, as has been utilized by police forces in the US (Brzezinski, 2004). This type of digitalised surveillance at-a-distance can have serious implications upon increasingly surveyed, tracked, and mapped social practices. It also suggests that technically-based northern ‘societies’ are being manoeuvred towards a surveyed and sensored, or synchronic society

Sensoring the Ecosphere: The Coming of a Synchronic Society?

The development of increasingly sentient ‘smart’ environments will go some way towards creating a more systemic relationship of interconnections and interdependencies between humans, objects/machines, and locality. This possibility has led some commentators to speak of an emerging cybernomadic landscape (Saveri, 2004). Here, the emphasis is on an embedded sensory world that will influence and fundamentally alter social practices. Such a cybernomadic landscape has been defined, in a recent IFTF report, by three primary forces of physical-digital fusion; the augmented self; and digitally catalysed masses (Saveri, 2004: 2). Similarly, De Rosnay sees this future as a form of symbiotic humanity: ‘each person functions as a node in this hypernetwork. Symbiotic humanity is both the totality of the network and one of its elements; it exists through the network and the network exists only through it’ (de Rosnay, 2000: 143). In all cases it involves networking with, utilizing, and interacting with objects, something which futurist and author Bruce Sterling refers to as a ‘synchronic society’:

A synchronic society generates trillions of catalogable, searchable, trackable trajectories…Embedded in a monitored space and time and wrapped in a haze of process, no object stands alone; it is not a static thing, but a shaping-thing. (Sterling, 2005: 50)

And a ‘shaped-thing’ may in the future rely upon more efficient and ubiquitous radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, now often euphemistically termed as arphids. These RFID tags can be networked into a global system of positioning and identification:

Your arphid monitors are hooked into the satellite based Global Positioning System. Then your network becomes a mobile system of interlinked objects that are traceable across the planet’s surface, from outer space, with one-meter accuracy, around the clock, from pole to pole. (Sterling, 2005: 92)

A physical-digital augmented environment interlinked with objects is, as Sterling states, based upon identification. Objects, as well as individuals, need to be identified, both in their object-self identity as well as in their positions. And yet this shift is not limited towards individuals or objects; it also extends into Nature and the ecosystem.

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently announced that it considered today’s computer maps of the Earth to be inaccurate. Investment has been put into producing better computer generated terrain maps of the Earth using both radar and laser scanning (Piquepaille, 2005), with a future view for placing radio-towers on the moon or Mars3. These updated moves towards securing a military full spectrum dominance incorporate the latest known developments in smart sensors whereby complex computerised devices at the miniature, or even nano level, will be able to 24/7 monitor ecological, social, and/or biological environments and people:

These new computers would take the form of networks of sensors with data-processing and transmission facilities built in. Millions or billions of tiny computers — called ‘motes’, ‘nodes’ or ‘pods’ — would be embedded into the fabric of the real world. They would act in concert, sharing the data that each of them gathers so as to process them into meaningful digital representations of the world. Researchers could tap into these ‘sensor webs’ to ask new questions or test hypotheses. Even when the scientists were busy elsewhere, the webs would go on analysing events autonomously, modifying their behaviour to suit their changing experience of the world. (Butler, 2006a)

Such a scenario, if realised, would drastically alter the material and social fabric of the living world.

Deborah Estrin, director of the Center for Embedded Networked Sensing in Los Angeles, California, sees ‘the sensor-web revolution as an important thread in a grander tapestry of global monitoring, which involves billions of dollars being poured into projects to monitor the continents and oceans’ (Butler, 2006a). For example, upcoming projects include:

  • The $200 million EarthScope project from the NSF: 3,000 stations are to be erected that will ‘track faint tremors, measure crustal deformation and make three-dimensional maps of the earth’s interior from crust to core. Some 2,000 more instruments are to be mobile – wireless and sun- or wind-powered – and 400 devices are to move east in a wave from California across the nation over the course of a decade’ (Broad, 2005)
  • The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is to be established at an estimated cost of $500 million. The plan is for a coast-to-coast NEON to ‘involve perhaps 15 circular areas 250 miles in diameter, each including urban, suburban, agricultural, managed and wild lands. Each observatory would have radar for tracking birds and weather as well as many layers of motes and robots and sensors, including some on cranes in forest canopies’ (Broad, 2005)
  • The ‘Interagency Working Group on Earth Observations’, backed by the National Science & Technology Council within the Executive Office of the President, US, has recently published their Strategic Plan for the U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System (IWGEO, 2005). Their vision is to discover, access, collect, manage, archive, process, and model earth geological data in order to better forecast such flows as weather, energy resources, natural resources, pre and post-disasters, as well as a host of other integrated processes. In their words: ‘The Earth is an integrated system. Therefore, all the processes that influence conditions on the Earth are linked and impact one another. A subtle change in one process can produce an important effect in another. A full understanding of these processes and the linkages between them require an integrated approach, including observation systems and their data streams’ (IWGEO, 2005: 47)

The report Strategic Plan for the U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System (IWGEO, 2005) discusses a vast range of geological integrated monitoring systems. However, a caveat here is necessary, for the above projects towards environmental mapping contain shades of a western geographical imagination.

Cartography, as a pioneering navigational science and art, has long been used for validating colonial expansion, Imperial incursions, and for designating western territorial trophies. The geographical imagination is continually formed as residues of knowledge build one upon the other as images become re-appropriated for geo-political agendas. The western global imagination has participated in the de-centring of global geographies in past centuries, and may again be party to later digital formations of knowledge gathering and geo-strategies of dominance and power. As with the Plan for the U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System which aims to monitor, track, catalogue, and forecast global processes and movements, geographical spaces will be subjected to a US-centric digital gaze. Denis Cosgrove views such a gaze as ‘implicitly imperial, encompassing a geometric surface to be explored and mapped, inscribed with content, knowledge and authority’ (2001: 15).

Emerging technologies in information-sensoring indicate an authoritarian, predominantly military, strategy for Earth monitoring. Increasingly, relationships between humans/devices/environments are being merged, or steered, towards a new construction of social life – one that embeds the individual, as a digitally-rendered identity, within a global informational ‘grid-lock’.

If such an irreversible shift is made towards digitally-rendered societies this would arguably ‘lock-in’ a form of monitored control society. With such predictions of an increasingly sensored and enmeshed global system it is difficult to see how living ‘off the Net’ will be a choice in the near future.


As this article has argued there are both overt and covert strategies within the US military-industrial complex towards securing full spectrum dominance over global information flows, which include dominating the electro-magnetic spectrum and the Internet. Increasingly western technological societies are moving towards developing sensored environments whereby information is processed on individuals as well as securing geographical data. This suggests a future whereby in order to move legitimately an individual will be subjected to a complex network of informational tracking and verification. This will undoubtedly see an increased militarisation of the civil sphere. Such a re-configuration of the social, through increased dependency upon physical-digital systems, will inevitably involve various structural relations of power. For example, individuals not deemed ‘worthy’ will be denied the right of movement through digitally-controlled spaces. This is not to imply that all acts of social passage will necessarily be uncomfortably noticed by the general legitimised user. It is likely that in-built strategies of marginalisation will be increasingly ‘normalised’ as part of shifting social practices: a regular state of affairs within a twenty-first century beset by manipulated terror in-securities.

Further, there are indications that these entwined and embedded information flows will seek to incorporate not only the physical and digital, but also the biological. In other words, each unit of information will be sought to be coded and therefore ‘secured’ under a full spectrum dominance agenda. Goonatilake (1999) sees this as moving towards a meta-communications environment that will merge human/genetic, cultural, machine as information codes and which will serve as information carriers:

The future will thus result in intense communications not only between machines and humans, but also with genetic systems so that information in the three realms of genes, culture and machines will result in one interacting whole. The three for all purposes would be interacting as one communicating system. (Goonatilake, 1999: 197)

We may soon be moving towards a momentous shift, perhaps the most important paradigmatic shift our current civilization has ever witnessed: a transformation into a digitally contained and controlled global environment.

This leaves the future vulnerable to extreme possibilities. Already there has been much Internet ‘chatter’ about the potential this offers for ‘exotic’ containment and control practices, including the possibility that a space-based, armed communications network is capable of beaming electromagnetic pulse technology upon virtually any chosen spot on the Earth. The potential here for mass mind control strategies is severely worrying and unnerving.

As we move towards the second decade of the twenty-first century we come increasingly close to a crossroads. One path indicates a move towards a deep and entrenched militarisation of the civil sphere where control and containment are the order of the day; the other path leads towards increased civil participation, engagement, and empowerment. It is perhaps a choice between global emancipation or complete global grid-lock.

Dr. Kingsley Dennis is a Research Associate in the Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe) based at the Sociology Department at Lancaster University, U.K. His research involves examining physical–digital convergences and how these might impact upon social processes. He is concerned with the digital rendition of identity and the implications of surveillance technologies.

Web: http://www.kingsleydennis.com

Blog: http://www.new-mobilities.co.uk

E–mail: Kingsley [at] kingsleydennis [dot] co [dot] uk


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War in Heaven – The Arms Race in Outer Space

The Pentagon’s Electronic Warfare Program: Maximum Control of the Entire Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Part 2 by Brent Jessop


Will McCain Wield The Big Stick? by Eric Margolis

Dandelion Salad

by Eric Margolis
March 31, 2008

NEW YORK – Barack Obama says he’s happy to see his primary race with Hillary Clinton continue right up to the bitter end. But there is deepening worry in this overwhelmingly Democratic Party city that the fratricidal battle between Obama and Clinton is tearing apart the party and boosting Republican hopes of victory in November.

Obama leads by almost every measure, but not decisively. Hillary Clinton appears determined to fight right up to this summer’s party convention. Many senior Democrats fear she will wreck her party’s chances rather than gracefully withdraw. As a result of the damage caused to the images of both Obama and Clinton by their bitter fight, Republican candidate Sen. John McCain is now the front-runner for president.

Republicans are praying Clinton will defeat Obama. There are rumors Republicans may even be secretly helping finance her campaign. Polls show McCain would defeat Clinton, whose very high negative rating among men more than offsets her strong support by older women and feminists. If Clinton wins nomination through back room deals by party super-delegates, many angry black Americans will boycott the November vote, ensuring a Republican victory.

What would McCain’s foreign policy look like? This week, he made a major policy address in Los Angeles that gives a preview.

On the most important issue, Iraq, McCain still insists he backs the five-year old war that has so far cost nearly 40,000 American dead and wounded, and untold Iraqi casualties, and created 4 million refugees as a result of ethnic cleansing of Sunnis by Shia militias which the US did nothing to stop.

Sen. McCain insists US troops must stay in Iraq until it became a ‘peaceful, stable, democratic state.’ Battered, strife-torn Iraq is as far as one can get from McCain’s goal.

The Iraqi Humpty Dumpty is broken and unlikely to be repaired. The US occupation has caused Iraq to split into Shia, Sunni and Kurdish mini-states. The US-installed Baghdad regime controls nothing but the Green Zone. Real power is held by the Iranian-backed Shia Islamic Supreme Council and its Badr militia which was fighting across Iraq this week with the Shia Mahdi Army.

The US created and armed Sunni militias who will one day fight their Shia foes. The Kurdish region is independent in all but name and is flirting with Israel. There is no real Iraq. It has ceased to exist.

Iran now dominates 60% of Iraq, and its power there continues to grow. Meanwhile, the war is costing cash-strapped Washington at least $3 billion weekly at a time when it owes China $1.3 trillion in loans. McCain says he’s not strong in economics. He clearly has no understanding of how much this war is costing. Latest estimates put the bill at nearly $1 trillion by next year. This is all borrowed money. The administration has refused to finance the war by normal budgetary means, instead choosing emergency allocations.

McCain is proposing a continuation of the Bush/Cheney mess in Iraq. The big question is, will the Bush White House stage a serious military incident with Syria, Lebanon or Iran soon before November elections to mobilize votes for the Republicans. There is increasing talk in the Mideast of an Israeli attack on Syria and Lebanon, designed to punish Hezbullah for its success in last year’s mini-war and to boost Republican fortunes in the United States.

Senator McCain did make a very welcome call to end Bush/Cheney’s unilateralism and begin working with allies and international organizations. But then he snarled at ‘revanchist’ Russia, warned of Moscow’s aggressive designs, and called for its eviction from the G8 group of nations. His bellicosity is ominous. McCain sounds like he wants to restart the Cold War – and probably does.

McCain’s recent Mideast trip also offered more of Bush’s policy, but perhaps even harder line. McCain strongly supported Israel’s expansionist rightwing parties, vowed Washington would never pressure Israel into a peace deal it did not favor, and denounced Saudi ‘autocrats’. He called for their removal without explaining who or what should replace them.

All the while Sen. Joseph Lieberman, often called ‘Israel’s senator in Washington,’ was whispering lines into McCain’s ear. When McCain foolishly claimed Iran was in cahoots with al-Qaida, Lieberman had to sort him out. Other neocons have also flocked to McCain’s banner, meaning if he wins, any real Arab-Israeli peace appears unlikely. Look also for possible further US military action against Israel’s enemies.

McCain tried to sound moderate and statesmanlike in his speech. So did President George Bush when he first came into office, decrying ‘nation building’ and foreign entanglements. But a genuine moderate statesman does not sing ‘bomb, bomb bomb Iran’ in public and call for perpetual war in Iraq.

Copyright Eric S. Margolis 2008

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Olbermann: Sadr State of Affairs + Gore More Years? + Worst + Bushed! (9/11)

Dandelion Salad


Mar. 31, 2008

Sadr State of Affairs

Keith speaks with Sen. Chuck Hagel.

Sadr State of Affairs: Iraq. All quiet on the Western and Eastern Fronts. Unless you count the rockets and guns. Senator Chuck Hagel joins us on that and on the whispers about who might want him, as Vice-President.

Gore More Years?

Keith speaks with Dana Milbank.

The Goracle: Al Gore to save the day? Nah…

World’s Worst

Worse: Walmart

Worser: Ohio Judge Richard Bernat

Worst: Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell


Iraq & 9/11-Gate


Mukasey Said What-Gate? (9/11)


Iran Brokers Call for Ceasefire; Bush reduced to Irrelevancy in Iraq; Fighting Continues

Iraq In The Balance By Scott Horton (+ video)

Bush’s Legacy Leads to Iran By Heather Wokusch

Sadr orders fighters to stand down

The Smart Way Out of a Foolish War by Zbigniew Brzezinski

The sieges of Basra & Sadr City: another US war crime in Iraq

Paulson’s Fixit Plan for Wall Street – If It’s Not Dead on Arrival, Someone Should Shoot It Quick

Dandelion Salad

By Mike Whitney
03/31/08 “ICH

It is being billed as a “massive shakeup of US financial market regulation”, but don’t be deceived. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s proposals for broad market reform are neither “timely” nor “thoughtful” (Reuters) In fact, its all just more of the same free market “we can police ourselves” mumbo jumbo that got us into this mess in the first place. The real objective of Paulson’s so called reforms is to decapitate the SEC and increase the powers of the Federal Reserve. Same wine, different bottle. Paulson’s real motive is to preempt the regulatory sledgehammer that is set to descend on the entire financial industry following the 2008 election. There’s growing fear that a President Obama may tote his firehose down to Wall Street and flush out some of the debris that has collected in the market’s dark corners.

If Paulson’s plan is approved in its present form, Congress will have even less control over the financial system than it does now and the same group of self-serving banking mandarins who created the biggest equity bubble in history will be able to administer the markets however they choose without the annoyance of government supervision. That’s exactly what Treasury Secretary and his pals at the Fed want; unlimited power with no accountability.

Paulson is expected to lay out guidelines and principles that are intended to help regulators supervise the financial markets. According to AFP:

“The President’s Working Group on Financial Markets said the current regulatory structure is working well despite calls by some US lawmakers.”

In other words, the failing banking system, the housing meltdown, and the frozen corporate bond market are all signs of a robust financial system? This may be the most incongruous statement since “Mission accomplished”. The system is imploding and real people are being hurt by the fallout. Thirty years of industry-led lobbying has dismantled the regulatory regime which made US financial markets the envy of the world. The credibility and transparency are gone along with Glass-Steagall and government oversight of the explosive growth of over-the counter derivatives instruments. Now the system is prey to all types of dodgy debt instruments, suspicious “dark pool” trading and off-balance sheets operations which further reinforce the belief that cautious investment is no better than casino gambling.

“The regulatory line of sight today is by the counterparties,” the official said, adding that the guidelines should be “beneficial to industry.” (AFP)

How is that different than saying, “Caveat emptor”? That’s not a motto that inspires confidence. Many people still naively believe that planning their retirement should not have to be a Darwinian tussle with a crafty junk-bond salesman.

Under Paulson’s plan, the Federal Reserve will be granted new regulatory powers, but whatever for? The Fed doesn’t use the powers it has now. No one stopped the Fed from intervening in the mortgage lending fiasco, or the ratings agency abuses or the off-balance sheets shenanigans. They had the authority and they should have used it. The Fed knew everything that was going on—including the mushrooming sales of derivatives contracts which soared from under $1 trillion in 2000 to over $500 trillion in 2006—but they decided to cheerlead from the sidelines rather than do their jobs. The fact is, they were worried that if they got involved they might upset the gravy-train of obscene profits that was enriching their bankster friends.

Former Fed chief Greenspan used to croon like a smitten teenager every time he was asked about subprime loans or adjustable rate mortgages. And, as New York Times columnist Floyd Norris points out, (Greenspan) “praised the growth in the derivatives market as a boon for market stability, and resisted calls to use the Fed’s power to increase regulation.” Of course, he did. It was all part of Maestro’s “New Economy”; trickle-down Elysium, where the endless flow of low interest credit merged with financial innovation to create a Reaganesque El Dorado. There are no regulations in Eden; anything goes and to heck with the public, they can fend for themselves. Its a dog eat dog world and there ain’t no love.

Now its Paulson’s job to keep the neoliberal flame lit long enough to make sure that government busybodies and bureaucratic do-goodies don’t upset the applecart. That means concocting a wacky public relations campaign to convince the public that Wall Street is not just a pirate’s cove of land-sharks and bunko artists, but a trusted ally in maintaining a strong economy through vital and efficient markets.

The Times’ Norris summed up Paulson’s sham reforms like this:

“The plan has its genesis in a yearlong effort to limiting Washington’s role in the market. And that DNA is unmistakably evident in the fine print. Although the proposal would impose the first regulation of hedge funds and private equity funds, that oversight would have a light touch, enabling the government to do little beyond collecting information — except in times of crisis. The regulatory umbrella created in the 1930s would grow wider, with power concentrated in fewer agencies. But that authority would be limited, doing virtually nothing to regulate the many new financial products whose unwise use has been a culprit in the current financial crisis. (“In Treasury Plan, a Reluctant Eye over Wall Street”, Floyd Norris, New York Times)

What nonsense. The house is on fire and hyperventilating Hank is still wasting our time with this rubbish. The real problem is that Paulson and his buddies at the Federal Reserve think of the financial system as their personal fiefdom so they refuse to loosen their hoary grip even though the economy is listing starboard and the water is flooding into the lower decks.

Once again, the New York Times:

“All the checks and balances in the plan reflect the mindset of its architect, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who came to Washington after a long career on Wall Street. He has worried that any effort to substantially tighten regulation could hamper the ability of American markets to compete with foreign rivals.”

No one elected Paulson to do anything. He has no mandate. He is an industry rep. who has worked exclusively for a small group of wealthy investors who have put the entire country at risk with their toxic mortgage-backed bonds, their reckless Ponzi-type speculation, and their off-book chicanery. Paulson should be removed immediately and returned to his wolf’s lair at G-Sax. If Bush is serious about straightening out Wall Street, then bring in Eliot Spitzer. He’s available. And he’ll do what it takes to clean house, that is, put a truncheon-wielding robo-cop in every trading-pit at the NYSE, and dispatch government accountants to every office of every CFO making sure they have a Big Red Pen in one hand and a taser in the other. That’s the only way to get the attention of the bandit-class.

“I do not believe it is fair or accurate to blame our regulatory structure for the current turmoil,” says Paulson.

Paulson is wrong. The current turmoil is all about the lack of regulation and he’d better prepare himself for some big changes. The pendulum is already in motion and tighter regulations will soon follow. There needs to be an accounting process for all transactions and capital requirements for every financial institution that creates credit. No exceptions. All of these businesses pose a real danger to the overall system and, therefore, must conform to clearly articulated and strictly enforced rules; no off-balance sheets operations, no dark pool trading, no unregulated derivatives contracts, no level 3 assets, no “mark to model” garbage bonds where CFOs unilaterally decide what they are worth by picking a number out of a hat. Its time to restore order to the markets so retirees and working class families can feel safe investing in their futures. They are the ones who are most hurt by Wall Street’s endless trickery.

Paulson’s plan is a non starter. The era of sandbagging, supply-side banditry is over. Good riddance.

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Smoke and Mirrors of the Bush Administration

April Fools: The Fox To Guard The Banking Henhouse

U.S. Treasury Regulatory Reform Proposals: Hapless, Helpless, Hopeless

Why the Paulson Plan is DOA + US proposes broad reform of market oversight