Feds to collect DNA from every person they arrest

Dandelion Salad

Associated Press Writer
Apr 16, 6:18 PM EDT


h/t: CLG

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Riz Khan: America’s legendary intellectual – Cornel West

Dandelion Salad


Dr Cornel West, one of America’s best-known intellectuals who has stirred intense debate and controversy with some of his comments Dr Cornel West, one of America’s best-known intellectuals who has stirred intense debate and controversy with some of his comments on race and politics, joins the show.

Palestinians killed in Israeli raids into Gaza + Israeli Torture (vids; over 18 only)

Dandelion Salad


This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only be viewed by a mature audience.


More than 20 Palestinians have died in the Gaza Strip as Israel unleashed military strikes and troops moved into the centre of the territory.

A journalist was also killed in the attacks.

It makes 16 April one of the deadliest days in Gaza for weeks.

But army leaders say the operations were routine and aimed against fighters suspected of launching rockets into southern Israel.

Al Jazeera’s Jacky Rowland reports from Jerusalem.

Continue reading

Substance Not Sound Bytes by Ralph Nader

Dandelion Salad

by Ralph Nader
Monday, April 14. 2008

In this year’s presidential campaign, the major media want you to focus on the candidates’ gaffes, their tactics toward one another’s gaffes, the flows of political gossip and four second sound bytes.

Over and over again this is the humdrum pattern. Is Obama an elitist because of what he said about small towns in Pennsylvania? Why do Hillary and Bill exaggerate? Will Bill’s mouth drag Hillary down? Will Barack’s pastor drag him down? What about the gender factor? The race factor? Will they figure?

Who has more experience on Day One? What is McCain’s wizardry over the reporters on the campaign trail? Can McCain project any human warmth? Which state must Hillary win and by what margin to continue in the race?

On the Sunday talk shows, it is the same couple dozen members of the opinion oligopoly. There is Bill Kristol bringing home the neocon bacon with dreary frequency. There is the James Carville/Mary Matalin spouse show featuring their squabbling over ideology.

Meanwhile the daily struggle of the American people, absorbing the results of the power abuses by the rich, powerful and corporate, continues outside this inbred force field of insipid coverage and commentary.

The people hear nothing regarding what McCain, Obama and Clinton will do about runaway drug, gasoline, and heating oil prices, not to mention what these Senators have already not done in these areas of public outcry.

Disintegration is everywhere. Public works are crumbling—schools, clinics, public transit, libraries, drinking water and sewage-treatment plants. Tax dollars are being used to destroy more of Iraq and to subsidize or bail out companies recklessly run by obscenely overpaid CEOs. Public deficits are soaring.

Corporate criminals laugh all the way to the bank and back. Eighty percent of the workers have been falling behind while the growth of the economy, until last October, made the rich richer and the hyper-rich go off the charts.

One of three workers lives on Wal-Mart wage levels. Nearly fifty million Americans are without health insurance. Eighteen thousand of these Americans die each year because they cannot afford health care, according to the Institute of Medicine. The recession deepens.

The corporate giants are abandoning millions of American workers as they move whole industries to dictatorial regimes abroad where political elites dictate wages, ban independent trade unions, and given sufficient grease, reduce other costs for these companies. Only American CEOs are not outsourced in this mad dash for greed and profits.

All our democratic institutions—courts, agencies, legislatures—are bypassed by “pull-down” autocratic trade treaties like the secretive World Trade Organization and NAFTA.

Wall Street operators seethe with reckless risks and then expect Washington to bail them out. Sure, why not? Washington is run by Wall Street executives on temporary job assignment in high government positions. The big corporations are big government.

Consumers are facing rapidly rising food prices, more home foreclosures, and rising rents. They have lost control over their money, as shown by the daily gouging by credit card companies, cell phone operators and the thousands of imposed fees, penalties, and charges, so well described in the new book Gotcha Capitalism by MSNBC reporter Bob Sullivan. Poverty increases.

Each year, about 58,000 Americans die from air pollution (EPA figures), and 100,000 patients lose their lives from medical negligence in hospitals and many more from hospital-induced infections. Have you heard any of the major campaigns pay any attention to these grim casualty levels?

Anxious workers feel shut out – they are disrespected, denied claims, arbitrarily laid off and just plain helpless on the shifting sands and seas of corporate globalization.

Fully 81 percent believe the country is going in the wrong directions. Almost as many believe corporations have too much control over their lives. And 61 percent polled say the major parties are failing.

Now turn on the television and radio coverage of the presidential campaign. How much of the above is reflected in the incessant distractions about tactics, gaffes and the fervid money-raising race?

Can the press and pundits ever be serious if the people do not grab hold of politics and make them become serious about their pleas, their plight and their revulsions? If voters want a concise mission statement, read the preamble to the Constitution, which starts “We the People…” not “We the Corporations….”

There is a responsibility attached to those words.

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Ralph Nader posts

Nader for President 2008

“You Have To Have Power In Order to Change It.” 5 Hours with Chávez

Dandelion Salad

By Pascual Serrano
Rebelión & www.pascualserrano.net

The Venezuelan president’s meeting with members of the “In Defense of Humanity” network”

Translation: Machetera

This past April 12th, some hundred intellectuals and artists met with Venezuela’s president during the international conference convened by the network of networks, “In Defense of Humanity” under the theme “Armed With Ideas.”

Over five hours, during which intellectuals posed a variety of questions, Hugo Chávez, in military dress following his participation in a military parade, spoke of the coup d’etat six years prior, the situation in Colombia, in Venezuela of course, their political principles and many other subjects.

He began in an intimate tone, recalling certain unknown details from the hours between April 11 and 12, 2002, when Chávez and his government were held by putschists. Among them, the words of his then Defense Minister, José Vicente Rangel, who also accompanied him at the conference: “Tonight, here, I sacrifice myself,” “The Palace must be defended with our lives.” To which Chávez responded: “I don’t think it will end here.” “For me, if it ends here, I’ve lived a full life; I’m ready to sacrifice myself,” said the Minister. Rangel telephoned his son to say, “Pepe, I already told Anita (his wife) that if this day should come, she would end up a widow.” The Venezuelan president emphasized the dilemma that the soldiers and cadets holding them then faced: “It was one of those moments in which one had to prove whether it was worth it to live,” and the cadets refused to obey the orders of the putschists. Chávez recalled that it was then that Fidel Castro’s telephone call came through; technically unexplainable, because “the telephone lines had been telepathically cut using the latest generation U.S. technology, because an armed fleet was already in Venezuelan waters.”

Communication was achieved thanks to “Cuba’s invisible satellite,” he said ironically. Fidel told him, “Chávez you are not to die today, do not sacrifice yourself.” “And so, he strengthened the idea that I came to elaborate,” added the Venezuelan president. “I saw that they had come to kill me and I remembered el Che when he told his torturers to look at him, that they were only going to kill a man. Then other soldiers came out, also in the darkness, and I told them that if they were going to kill this man, they’d have to kill us all, and in those seconds my life was decided. Meanwhile, the people came out and mobilized themselves and communicated saying ‘take care of this man, for the people are already in the street.’ Two priests were even witnesses to the fact that I had refused to sign a resignation. However, all the television stations came out with the news about the resignation document that I’d never signed. And when the people took to the streets, they broadcast animated cartoons, as though nothing was happening.”

Shortly thereafter, Chávez joined a debate held at the conference with historic overtones of Lenin’s “What is to be done?,” and which he described as “the anguish of the concrete.” To paraphrase Alí Primera: “A sun is rising; we should push the sun.” “We face a historic opportunity,” he added.

He recalled that Simón Rodríguez, Bolívar’s teacher, said that there are two types of men. Those who were always writing and those who were always fighting. If everyone belonged to the first group, there would be no trees due to all the paper they would need and if everyone belonged to the second group, there would be no steel because of all the weapons they would require. In this way he suggested the necessity of the existence of both and that each group was essential enough to make dangerous the existence of only one or the other. He also explained the development of certain meetings among rebel military officers while he was young, with the aim of regenerating and democratizing Venezuela, just as in the first years of his government: “It was an interminable and exhausting argument that never went anywhere, and it was from there that infiltrators whose objective was to block and render us useless would be talking about the sex of angels or the three feet of a cat.” Which led to the coup d’etat in April of 2002. “Every revolution needs the lash of the counter-revolution,” he went on, paraphrasing Leon Trotsky, implying that these hard moments could serve to get beyond such paralyzing debates. After the failed coup, Fidel told him, “It won’t take much for them to try again for you.” And actually, just a few months later, the petroleum strike began with the objective of toppling the government at the cost of sinking Venezuela’s economy internationally.

He then went on to recall the overwhelming support for progressive policies in Latin America: “The king of Spain tolerated me when I was alone, but now there are more of us, hence his arrogance when he could no longer bear listening not only to me, but to Daniel and to Evo…”

In this confidential line, he explained Fidel Castro’s comments following the defeat of last December’s referendum for constitutional reform, when he said, “Chávez, a leader such as yourself, right now, cannot take on the leadership of the practical battle at the same time you are leading the battle of ideas,” leaving him to understand the necessity of surrounding himself with colleagues who could dedicate themselves to these ideas. Chávez acknowledged errors, for example, the shortages of essential food products in the days preceding the referendum. It was then that he recalled the food crisis that a large part of humanity is suffering today. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), between $1.2 and $1.7 billion dollars are needed to attend to the urgent hunger situation in 37 countries, “but this is what the U.S. spends in only one day in Iraq,” he said. He referred ironically to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) crisis, and indicated that perhaps Venezuela could give it a loan so that its staff could be paid, or at least get some humanitarian aid.

But he returned again to the heart of the debate at the conference about how the voice of intelligentsia can reach the rest of society and be involved in the struggle for a better world. Chávez recalled that, when he exited prison following the 1992 insurrection, he was shunned by the media which had been given instructions not to interview him. “We formed small groups, street by street, town by town. The network of networks should be like the fire that spreads or the sun that rises and intensifies the light,” he said. “We need people armed with ideas, with creativity, and also with rifles,” he added, “because when the changes come for real, through a Constitution, they must be defended. Even though the changes are made in a peaceful manner, the oligarchy will take up arms.”

It was then that he directed a message toward a meeting of two sectors historically distanced from one another; the military and intelligentsia. “It’s important that the soldiers of Latin America absorb the ideas of renewal and change. Many times, intellectuals don’t see soldiers; they view them as parasites who don’t think. They should see them, hear them, find them…’It’s not a small thing in Latin America to be able to count on soldiers the way Chávez does,’ Cristina Fernandez told me. They’re where you live,” he added, “ask yourselves where the soldiers are. A good patriotic soldier tends to multiply within the military structure. One day Ignacio Ramonet asked me if it was true what they say about me entering the military academy with one of Che’s books under my arm. And I told him, ‘It’s not true. I didn’t enter with any book, not to mention one by Che. What is true is that when I left the academy, yes, I left with a book by Che under my arm.”

He continued with his anecdotes about the necessity of an armed revolution. He recalled that the news of Allende’s death struck him in the mountains of Venezuela where with an ancient radio he was trying to listen to the worldwide reactions and could hear Fidel Castro’s declarations: “If each worker, each Chilean worker, had had a rifle at hand, the fascist coup would never have taken place.” “Keep fighting,” he told the intellectuals “and never hesitate to direct your ideas to Latin America’s soldiers, so often used and manipulated, because within, there’s heart, there’s fiber. Because to avoid a war of weapons one must say to the enemy that this revolution is peaceful, but backed up with ideas and with rifles.”

During the question and answer session he responded as to the degree of involvement he might play in a hypothetical humanitarian exchange in Colombia. With Ingrid Betancourt’s mother, Yolanda Pulecio, present, the Venezuelan president revealed that Raúl Reyes presence in Ecuador was part of a hostage liberation plan coordinated with Chávez and Correa. “There was a third attempt at release; I asked Rafael Correa that it be done through Ecuador. This was why the FARC spokesman was in Ecuadoran territory. The French government itself was aware of that, with a commission aimed at Ecuador. That’s why they hunted him.” He recalled that the FARC commander Iván Márquez had mentioned that they could barely turn on a radio or a cellphone before having to take off running because the zone would immediately be attacked with missiles. He also told Chávez that the tragedy of the attack on the FARC camp might have been even greater because an even larger civilian group was headed toward the camp. This guerrilla advance party had as its objective the liberation of a group of hostages without conditions, “because we couldn’t offer anything to the FARC beyond political recognition.” Chávez also denounced the present persecution of the spokesman Iván Márquez, with the objective of impeding any kind of humanitarian liberation. “They are even holding prisoner two women whose sole function was to provide proof of life for the hostages, including one to be found in prison, seriously ill, and the other pregnant,” said Chávez.

The Venezuelan president also denied all the Colombian government allegations that linked his government with the guerrillas. “The computer that was miraculously saved from the bombing is a magic computer which says what they tell it to,” he denounced. He recalled that he could also distribute the declarations of some of the two hundred Colombian paramilitaries trained to kill him, some of them underage, who were detained when they entered Venezuelan territory. All of them were subsequently pardoned for humanitarian reasons.

For her part, Yolanda Pulecio, Ingrid Betancourt’s mother, said that she felt safer in Venezuela than in Colombia and expressed her indignation for “the fact that we do not have a real press in Colombia. All you can read there are lies; even the polls lie.” Chávez indicated that he did not agree with Ingrid being held hostage, that “it makes no sense.” He called to the FARC leader, “Marulanda, can’t you see what’s happening in Latin America?” in reference to the peaceful progressive process winning over the region.

The President of Venezuela announced that in October, the Simón Bolívar satellite will be functioning, and will permit among other things, the distribution of cultural content over all of Latin America. He also addressed the recent nationalization of the Sidor steelworks: “Sidor refused over many years to negotiate and comply with the law which establishes that no pension should be less than the minimum salary. This business with 13,000 workers privatized itself and put more than half of its workforce as subcontractors in abusive working conditions. And to top it off, previous governments subsidized it; this business received subsidized electricity while Venezuelan towns went without electricity. They did not wish to negotiate, and I decided to nationalize [them].”

He also referred to Telesur, indicating that it is a space that is not being used to its full potential; “it needs to be revised,” he said. He cited the case of Fredy Muñoz, the station’s journalist under persecution in Colombia.

He denounced the fact that in Bolivia “there’s a Kosovo-type plan” with the aim of breaking up its territorial integrity. “It’s a truly poisonous lie,” he added, “that a Venezuelan Hercules aircraft which brought humanitarian aid, doctors and medicine to Bolivia a few days ago to alleviate the tragic flooding, lived through moments of grave danger under attack by some hundred people whose intention was to make it land in the north of Bolivia so as to make off with its fuel. That’s when the press began to say that it was carrying troops and weapons, something that was untrue, and the plane had to abort its landing and take off again in order to make an emergency landing in Brazil, because it was running out of fuel.”

“The oligarchy has such hate,” he added, “that it continues to sabotage an absolutely democratic process which includes a referendum for a Constituent Assembly; it even uses molotov cocktails to bomb the headquarters in Sucre. Despite that, the Assembly managed to approve the new constitution that should go to a popular referendum, and the right-wing doesn’t want that. And now the agitation for independence. This is the empire’s doing, with all its cold war experience. They tried first with the capital city, then with autonomy. They’ve even got a color for their counter-revolution, green, and a poster that says “I’m autonomous.” Many Bolivians are being used as cannon fodder just as happened in Venezuela; it’s time for us to avoid a tragedy in Bolivia. I have faith in their leader but I also have fears. But Evo’s not going to split – like Jalisco – and Bolivia will triumph.”

Afterwards, he spoke of Argentina: “The media claimed that with Cristina, relations with Caracas would suffer, something absurd. The media is now presenting the theme of taxes in Argentina as something to use against the government, but the citizens have not accepted it. When the people roar, the oligarchy trembles; when the people freeze, the oligarchy celebrates.”

Continuing to speak of the continent, he said “Central America is South-Americanizing itself. I went to Guatemala and to Honduras, the latter for the first time; before it was off limits. Changes can sometimes be slow. I understand Lula; Lula’s our man. They’ve tried to exploit our differences; therefore we’ve decided that we’re going to get together every three months.”

About the social struggles, Chávez criticized the idea of anti-power that often predominates at the World Social Forum, in an uncited reference to Toni Negri: “When I was in prison, some told me that I shouldn’t leave, that I shouldn’t accept amnesty, that my mission was to continue as a prisoner. Their idea was that I had become mythological, and I said that I didn’t want to be a myth, that I wanted to go to the street, with the people. And later that bothered them because I presented myself as a presidential candidate, and they said no, that the choice was anti-power. You have to have power in order to change it.”

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The Most Powerful People in America By Joel S. Hirschhorn

By Joel S. Hirschhorn
featured writer
Dandelion Salad

Friends of the Article V Convention
April 16, 2008

They are not the rich and superrich, nor the politically powerful running the two-party plutocracy, nor the greedy heads of banking and finance companies, and certainly not the media moguls and bloviating pundits.

The most powerful people are US, American consumers that account for over 70 percent of the economy. It is exactly now, when the economy is in the toilet, that consumers hold the maximum power. So why are we the people still deluding ourselves that the path to a better future rests on electing a new president?

We are suckers, conditioned by decades of clever marketing and advertising to believe the lies of politicians, and worst of all to believe that elections and our votes provide us with power. Wrong. Our real power can only be manifest through our spending dollars.

The overwhelming majority of Americans have been severely damaged by economic oppression by government policies that have produced historic economic inequality. Yet, despite revolting conditions, Americans seem unwilling to revolt by using their remaining economic power. They have let themselves become economic slaves.

What is amazing and depressing is that there are no national leaders from the worlds of politics, religion, education, media or public interest that are attempting to harness consumer power at this critical time. No one is capturing the public’s attention by making it crystal clear that consumers could obtain any political or economic reform in the public interest by joining together to withhold their discretionary spending.

Where are the anti-Iraq war leaders? Why are they not shouting about forcing an immediate commitment to ending the Iraq war by using the power of a massive consumer boycott that clearly could destroy the whole economy? Tell President Bush that consumers will greatly curb their spending for a month to give him time to implement a plan for withdrawal from Iraq. Make it clear that the coming federal rebates will not be used for spending. Make it clear that Bush inaction will result in continuation of the boycott.

Where is Ralph Nader, the ultimate consumer advocate? Why is he not proclaiming the brilliance of a consumer boycott as the winning tactic to force effective government assistance to the millions of Americans screwed by the sub-prime mortgage fiasco and about the lose their homes?

Where is Barack Obama, who supposedly wants to produce change? Rather than putting all his energy into satisfying his egoistic hunt for the presidency, why is he not talking about harnessing consumer power right now to get political reforms, like ending trade agreements that are destroying the middle class? Why does he not send a clear message to his million-plus contributors to join a national consumer boycott to obtain immediate concessions from the Bush administration?

Where are the professors who have published books making the case for a second constitutional convention as the way to restore American democracy? Not one has the courage to say that the way to get Congress to obey Article V of the Constitution and convene that the first Article V convention is by American consumers threatening to plunge a dagger into the heart of American business.

Now is the time for all the millions of Americans that make up the 81 percent who see the nation on the wrong track to take action, to think like patriotic revolutionaries and take the power that now only exists with their spending. Sounds simple. All this strategy needs is leadership. Rather than spending so much time and energy on the media-hyped presidential campaign, we the people should demand that someone step forward to inform and mobilize consumers to become powerful citizens by using their spending as the ultimate populist political weapon.

Joel S. Hirschhorn can be reached through www.delusionaldemocracy.com. He is a co-founder of Friends of the Article V Convention at www.foavc.org.


Bailout Bonanza by Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader posts

Nader for President 2008

Mosaic News – 4/15/08: World News from the Middle East

Dandelion Salad



This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only be viewed by a mature audience.


For more: http://linktv.org/originalseries
“Obama Bin Laden?,” Al Arabiya TV, UAE
“Bloody Day in Ba’quba,” Al Arabiya TV, UAE
“Egypt Asked to Open Gaza Gatea,” Al Jazeera TV, Qatar
“Jimmy Carter Visits Ramallah and Angers Israelis,” Dubai TV, UAE
“The War of Words Between Israel & Iran,” IBA TV, Israel
“Students Demonstrate in Gaza,” Dubai TV, UAE
“Muslim Brotherhood Members Sentenced in Egypt,” Al Jazeera English, Qatar
“Inmates Set Fire in Jordanian Jail,” Jordan TV, Jordan
“Arab World Featured at London Book Fair,” Saudi TV, Saudi Arabia
Produced for Link TV by Jamal Dajani.

Vodpod videos no longer available. from www.youtube.com posted with vodpod


Despite Bush Plea, Pope Turns Other Cheek to War On Christmas by R J Shulman (satire)

by R J Shulman
Dandelion Salad
featured writer
Robert’s blog post
April 16, 2008

WASHINGTON – During his historic visit to the White House today, Pope Benedict XVI politely rejected President Bush’s request that the Pontiff participate in a troop surge in the War on Christmas. “I tried to explainicate to his highness,” Bush told reporters, “the importance of his supportication of our fight to win the global war on Christmas as America needs Christmas shopping like a dog needs a mouse, like a cat needs a bone and like Rush Limbaugh needs oxycontin. All I asked him to do,” Bush said, “was to say for the American people a few ‘Our Fathers” and ‘Hail Macy’s.'” Continue reading

Iran warplanes to dominate Tehran skies + Iran Army urged to be fully prepared

Dandelion Salad

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 19:37:06

Iran will show the world its military might on Thursday in the largest ever aerial parade to be conducted by the country’s Air Force.

On the occasion of the National Army Day in Iran, Tehran will be the scene of the country’s biggest ever Air Force military parade.

Nearly 200 aircraft including MiG-29, F4, F5 and F7 fighters and aerial refueling planes will dominate the skies starting at 8 am local time (0430 GMT), according to Fars news agency.

Both Iranian and foreign correspondents will cover the historic event.

Deputy Commander of Iran’s Air Force Mohammad Alavi is to command the air parade, which will be attended by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Iran’s National Army Day is on April 17.

h/t: ♫Sigrid


Iran Army urged to be fully prepared

Wed, 16 Apr 2008 18:59:16

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has met Iran’s senior army commanders, calling on them to always be alert to protect the country.

“It is the duty of the armed forces to remain fully prepared in all conditions to protect the country and its sovereignty,” Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said in the Wednesday meeting, ahead of the National Army Day.

The Leader congratulated the country’s armed forces and affirmed that the army’s abilities have led to significant achievements.

At the beginning of the meeting, Army Commander Major-General Ataollah Salehi gave a report on Iran’s defense capabilities.

Iran’s National Army Day is on April 17.

h/t: ♫Sigrid

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Would Obama Hold Bush Accountable? By Robert Parry

Dandelion Salad

By Robert Parry
April 16, 2008

Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have shied away from the issue of holding George W. Bush and his top aides accountable for war crimes, torture and other offenses – apparently out of fear of alienating potential Republican crossover votes.

Continue reading

Carter meets with Hamas (video)

Dandelion Salad


April 16, 2008

Former US President Jimmy Carter continued his tour of the Middle East,Tuesday, against the wishes of the Israeli and US governments, which have strenuously objected to his planned meetings with Hamas leaders. Carter met Nasser al-Shaer, a senior Hamas leader, and laid a wreath on the grave of Yasser Arafat. “I’m just trying to understand different opinions and communicate, provide communications between people that won’t communicate with each other,” the former US leader said. “If (the Hamas leadership) have anything constructive to say … then I would bring that to other people.” Carter is scheduled to meet Khaled Mashaal, the exiled leader of Hamas, in Syria on Friday.

Continue reading

Condoleezza Rice Must Go (Action Alert) + video (updated)

Dandelion Salad

originally posted April 11, 2008 8:17 AM

Updated: April 16, 2008 added another video


“Given new revelations that Condoleezza Rice chaired the meetings approving specific torture techniques, she can not continue as Secretary of State. Secretary of State Rice Must Resign”

Take Action


ABC News: Bush advisers approved torture

ABC, 4/9/08



Condi Must Go! (Commercial version)


April 16, 2008 (Less info)
We are airing a 30-second version of this film tonight.

How can we express the terrible shock we have felt from the proven fact that our government is using torture? How can we express what so many of us are thinking—that it is absolutely appalling to know that our representatives are implementing barbaric instruments of torture as policy? How do we express our moral outrage?

Perhaps more importantly, how do we begin to take steps towards ending this heinous crime?

…continued: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkGh-1sNEdc


Countdown: War’s First Casualty + Under Iraq + Team Torture?

Sources: Top Bush Advisors Approved ‘Enhanced Interrogation’

Mukasey Refuses to Say Yoo 4th Amendment Memo Withdrawn

Capital Crimes: Another Smoking Gun on Terror War Torture by Chris Floyd

Iran would ‘eliminate Israel’ if attacked + Israel test-fires ‘Iran’ missile

Dandelion Salad

15 April 2008 02:54

Iran would “eliminate Israel from the global arena” if it was attacked by the Jewish state, the deputy commander of the army warned on Tuesday, amid an intensifying war of words between the two foes.

“We are not worried by Israeli manoeuvres, but if Israel takes such action against the Islamic Republic of Iran, we will eliminate it from the global arena,” Mohammad Reza Ashtiani was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.

His comments come a week after Israeli National Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer warned that any Iranian attack against Israel “would lead to the destruction of the Iranian nation”.


h/t: ICH


Israel test-fires ‘Iran’ missile

17:30 MECCA TIME, 14:30 GMT

Israel has conducted a test of a ballistic missile aimed at simulating an Iranian attack on Israel.

The test of the “Blue Sparrow” on Tuesday came after Israel’s foreign minister said in Qatar the day before that Iran represented “the extremists in the region” and was “a threat and challenge to the entire region”.

Mohammed Rada Ashtiani, the deputy commander of the Iranian army, responded on Tuesday by saying that they would “eliminate it from the global arena” if Israel took any action against them.

Israel’s missile test follows confirmation from a senior Israeli defence official that the US has agreed to connect the Jewish state to its ballistic missile early warning system “to protect” the regime against any missile attack.


h/t: ICH


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This Is A Warning! Bush Is Planning To Attack Iran! (videos)

Dandelion Salad

Updated: April 17, 2008 added partial transcript. ~ Lo


Added: April 16, 2008
April 15, 2008
C-SPAN Congress Coverage


Updated: April 17, 2008

partial transcript

thanks to: representativepress


“I am pleased that we have taken time from our schedules to come to the floor tonight to sound the alarm. The saber rattling is going on by this administration. The remarks that we’re hearing day in and day out are more accusatory toward Iran.

… we all know that U.S. strikes against Iran would be disastrous.

Middle East experts generally agree that Iran would respond to a U.S. strike by attacking U.S. and Israeli interests throughout the region and possibly globally. These strikes would lead to a greater Middle East war, including greater loss of life, financial burden, over stretch of our military and worse.

We’re sounding the alarm this evening and we are sending a message to the President of the United States of America and to the Vice President, particularly now to the Vice President, who, when he was reminded by an ABC News reporter that the recent polls show that two-thirds of Americans say the fight in Iraq is not worth it, his response was, “and so?” Well, Mr. Vice President, our “and so” to you tonight is, and so the American people do not want us to continue this war in Iraq and to air strike in Iran. We’re sounding the alarm.

We are made to believe that we are somehow being placed at a great threat by Iran.

And so we know where this is going. We know what this means, and we’re saying, we must not rule out diplomacy. …

We know that we’ve still got work to do on Iraq. We’ve still got to make many Members of this House feel comfortable with the idea that they can confront their President, that they can still be very, very patriotic as they stand up against war …

We know that the work has to be done, but we’ve got to add to that work the fact that we can stop an airstrike on Iran and we can stop the notion that somehow we must send more soldiers in.” – Rep. Maxine Waters April 15, 2008


Source: U.S. Strike on Iran Nearing

The Coming War with Iran: It’s About the Oil, Stupid

American Hegemony Is Not Guaranteed By Paul Craig Roberts

The Coming Uncertain War against Iran by Ramzy Baroud

Beware an Attack on Iran by Prof. Marjorie Cohn



Something must be Done to Stop the Gaza Siege By Liam Bailey


By Liam Bailey
featured writer
Dandelion Salad

The Bailey Mail
April 16, 2008

2008-04-13 17:16:42 **opinion**

This is unbelievable, why is the world allowing Israel to create an outright humanitarian disaster, or at least, why is Israel still being treated like butter wouldn’t melt.

They are to keep Gaza’s main fuel depot closed for a “few days more.” The measure was imposed because of a Palestinian attack that killed two Israeli civilians, and Israel has decided to use it as an excuse to intensify its collective punishment of the entire Gaza population.

I am not ashamed to say that it makes me sick to my stomach. Does a Gazan baby in intensive care deserve to die because of power shortages, in retaliation for the death of an Israeli civilian? In the Zionist Israeli government of Jewish supremacist’s, just how many Palestinian lives are worth one Israeli live?

The way I look at it is, in all the man-made humanitarian disasters there have been around the world, the leaders who cause them become international pariah’s, under pressure from the entire international community to rectify the situation, all the while pouring humanitarian aid efforts into the affected areas. Yet Israel is slowly, surely and deliberately causing, what looks like becoming one of the worst humanitarian disasters in my lifetime, and they are still being treated as a great ally of democracy, freedom and peace — whack!

What makes it worse, is not the fact that Israel is not punished for its openly contravening the Fourth Geneva Convention by collectively punishing an entire population for the actions of its armed resistance, but the fact that it controls everything that enters or leaves Gaza, meaning aid can’t get in, and the sick can’t get out. Israel is carrying out the slow and painful murder of an entire population, those that don’t die from direct Israeli actions, the power shortages, or lack of property medical care, are being killed mentally by Israel taking away their will to live.

What’s more, Israel is not naive to the fact that the situation is strengthening Palestinian armed resistance as is so commonly written, it is deliberately strengthening the resistance; provoking further attacks so they can continue doing what they like in “self defence”.

The world at large has to end this and we have to do it now.


Mosaic News – 4/14/08: World News from the Middle East

Israel kills top Palestinian commander

Uri Avnery congratulates Carter for decision to meet with Hamas leaders

Self-help for self-haters