Even your best friends won’t tell you by Jerry Mazza

By Jerry Mazza
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
September 24, 2010

As I remember, that has been a headline for everything from bad breath to dandruff sufferers to those suffering from body odors. The headline was ideal shame-making for manufacturers of mouthwashes, dandruff shampoos, deodorants and antiperspirants. And now it applies to our purported worst enemy, the President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. That is, he’s telling us what none of our “best friends” in our government are saying, “that the American government may have been behind the 9/11 attack.”

After being greeted by a round of applause as he entered the U.N. General Assembly yesterday, September 23, Ahmedinejad was applauded again after his remarks. During his General Assembly address he called for a “U.N. fact finding group to investigate 9/11.” I hope their findings (if a group should ever come about) won’t be treated like the fact-finding results of Hans Blix, head of the UN’s United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission. His claims of no WMD in Hussein’s Iraq were ignored. As were the claims of orthodox Jewish Justice Richard Goldstone’s report on Zionist overkill in Gaza.

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The Credit Meltdown and the Shadow Banking System: What Basel III Missed by Dr. Ellen Brown

by Dr. Ellen Brown
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
September 24, 2010

While local banks are held in check by the new banking czars in Basel, Wall Street’s “shadow banking system” has hardly been curbed by regulators at all; and it is here that the 2008 credit crisis was actually precipitated. The banking system’s credit machine is systemically flawed and needs a radical overhaul.

On September 13, the Bank for International Settlements issued heightened capital requirements that will make lending even more difficult for local banks, which do most of the consumer and small business lending today. The new rules are ostensibly designed to prevent a repeat of the 2008 credit collapse, but they fail to address its real cause, which involves a “shadow” banking system that has largely escaped regulation.

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Why Say Yes to the Party of No? by Ralph Nader


by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page
Sept. 23, 2010

Ralph Nader after the speech - Green Lecture

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

How does the Big Business-indentured Republican Party get away with expectations of a runaway election victory this November? If such a victory should occur in Congress and for many governorships and state legislatures, it will be due to a ten percent or so shift in voters who voted Democratic in 2008 and are expected to vote Republican this year or stay home in despair or disgust. The rest of the voters who do vote will still stay with their hereditary Republican or Democratic candidates.

So what is accounting for a possible ten percent shift? Let’s briefly review some of the Congressional Republicans’ voiced positions:

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UN: Israel Used ‘Incredible Violence’ in Raid + No One Was Safe: UN Inquiry Into Israel’s Flotilla Raid



Newsy: U.N. probe finds Israel guilty of “unnecessary and incredible violence”

Four months after Israeli forces raided a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza, a U.N. probe finds Israel guilty of “unnecessary and incredible violence.”

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Rainbow Pie – So different yet so familiar By William Bowles (updated)

Updated: Sept. 24, 2010 added a video with an interview with Joe Bageant.

Rainbow Pie - So different yet so familiar By William BowlesBy William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 11 September, 2010 photo by Dandelion Salad Rainbow Pie: A Redneck Memoir By Joe Bageant. Portobello Books, London, 2010 ‘Cotton never saw much cash, and never got rich by any means. Not on the ten-cent and fifteen-cent purchases that farmers made there for over one hundred years. Yet he could pay Jackson Luttrell for the tomato hauling—in credit at … Read More

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