The American Oligarchy, Civil Rights and the Murder of Martin Luther King, by Andrew Gavin Marshall

by Andrew Gavin Marshall
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
November 29, 2010

3. Martin Luther King, Jr., a civil rights act...

Image via Wikipedia

Civil Rights and Social Control

As the American civil rights movement emerged in the 1950s, the established American oligarchy, in all its various forms and avenues of influence, set in motion simultaneous attempts to control the evolution of the movement, in order to both divide the movement and its leaders against each other, and also to control its direction. The Civil Rights Movement arose as an independent and people-driven movement in a struggle for black rights in America. In this, the movement presented a great threat to the establishment oligarchy, as historically the subjugation of black people within western society was not merely a result of western policies, but lies at the very foundations and bedrock of western ‘civilization’, politically, socially, and economically. Thus, challenging the segregation of race inevitably challenges the entire political, economic and social system.

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The Stench of US Economic Decay: Russia and China Dump the US Dollar by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research
November 29, 2010

On Thanksgiving eve the English language China Daily and People’s Daily Online reported that Russia and China have concluded an agreement to abandon the use of the US dollar in their bilateral trade and to use their own currencies in its place.  The Russians and Chinese said that they had taken this step in order to insulate their economies from the risks that have undermined their confidence in the US dollar as a world reserve currency.

This is big news, especially for the news dead Thanksgiving holiday period, but I did not see it reported on Bloomberg, CNN, New York Times or anywhere in the US print or TV media. The ostrich’s head remains in the sand.

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Missing the Mark on Deficits by Ralph Nader

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page
Nov. 29, 2010

The recent reports by the two deficit commissions–one appointed by President Obama ( and the other from the private Bipartisan Policy Center (–do not lack specifics. In fact, they are so specific that they obscure the need for a more explicit public philosophy that reveals both their value biases and their establishment thinking.

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Hope, Real Hope, Is About Doing Something by Chris Hedges

by Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
November 29, 2010

On Dec. 16 I will join Daniel Ellsberg, Medea Benjamin, Ray McGovern and several military veteran activists outside the White House to protest the futile and endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of us will, after our rally in Lafayette Park, attempt to chain ourselves to the fence outside the White House. It is a pretty good bet we will all spend a night in jail. Hope, from now on, will look like this.

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The Latin American Revolution, Part 4: Integration: Towards a United Latin America

Written by Asad Ismi and produced by Kristin Schwartz

Many Latin American countries are coming together to create a continental community based on socialism and taking care of human needs. The last episode examines this inspiring integration and its importance as a model for global development. With Presidents Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez and Joao Batista Lemos, Sonia Fleury, Rosemary Irusta, Sabina Gonzalez, Lilian Celiberti, Ramon Cardona, Julio Chavez and Doris Miranda.

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The Latin American Revolution, Part 3: Cuba, Nicaragua and El Salvador

Dandelion Salad

Written by Asad Ismi and produced by Kristin Schwartz

Cuba has inspired the Latin American Revolution while Nicaragua recently celebrated 30 years of the Sandinista Revolution. In 2009, El Salvador elected the first left-wing government in its history. This episode looks at the revolutionary process in all three countries. With Dr. Aleida Guevara, Professor Luis Rene Fernandes Tabio, Doris Miranda and Mercedes Umana.

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The Latin American Revolution, Part 2: The Indigenous Revolution

Written by Asad Ismi and produced by Kristin Schwartz

Bolivians have elected Latin America’s first indigenous President, Evo Morales who has brought profound social changes to his country. This episode describes the Bolivian Revolution. With President Evo Morales, Cynthia Cisneros, Rosemary Irusta, Sabina Gonzalez and Tomas Huanacu.

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The Latin American Revolution, Part 1: Venezuela: The Bolivarian Revolution

Dandelion Salad

Written by Asad Ismi and produced by Kristin Schwartz

Venezuela under President Hugo Chavez has been a leader of the Latin American Revolution. This episode focuses on how the Chavez government has transformed Venezuela through its Bolivarian Revolution. With President Hugo Chavez, Clara Herrera, America Maldonado, Santiago Arconada Rodriguez, Adedue Kawa and Julio Chavez.

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