The Cart before the Horse – A Coincidence? by Philip A. Farruggio

by Philip A. Farruggio
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
May 15, 2011

March 26 London Protests

Image by MattieTK via Flickr

I have been an activist for the past 10 years. Currently, I find myself ‘walking a narrower path ‘each and every day. I have been vilified, rejected, and attacked by even those with whom I once shared the comforts of reason. Why? Well, let us travel back to the era of the horse and buggy for some sort of analogous explanation. Let us say that your neighbor has asked you to help with his work. You show up at his home and he is ready to leave with his cart hitched in front of his horse. You tell him that this is not the way to go to work. He looks at you and says that it is and ‘that is that! ‘Would you still accompany him?

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The plight of Gaza’s fishermen by Stay Human Convoy

Sent to DS from Stephanie Westbrook.

by Stay Human Convoy
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
Vik a Gaza
May 15, 2011

So many things to see, so many people to meet…

14th May 2011- Gaza City

Everywhere in the world, the sea evokes the universal feeling of an endless expanse of water that stretches out to the horizon, as far as the naked eye can see…bearing evocations of limitless possibilities that fire the imagination, bringing forth dreams and desires of travelling beyond one’s native turf.

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Mom Power by Cindy Sheehan

by Cindy Sheehan
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
May 15, 2011

Union Square Protest, 2008

Image by CS Muncy via Flickr

My Keynote Remarks at the MIRCI Conference in Toronto.

First of all, it’s so extraordinary to be here with so many amazing feminist activists and I am grateful for the invitation and opportunity to speak to you. I am convinced that mother-activism is the key to true and positive change.

I also think the concept of Outlaw Motherhood is delicious, since I have become an Outlaw Mother in nearly every sense of the word!

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Israel kills and wounds dozens of Nakba protesters

Free Palestine - End Israeli Occupation

Image by Chris Beckett via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

on May 15, 2011

In Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, across the Middle East region and the world, Israel’s 63rd year long occupation of Palestinian land was commemorated on Naqba day. There is a new mood of resistance, inspired by the Arab spring of revolutions that has swept the region.

Predictably the protests in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria were met by the usual brutality of the Israeli armed forces, with dozens of protesters killed or wounded.

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