Ralph Nader: Obama–Prosecutor, Judge, Jury, Executioner and Cover-upper (no longer available)

Meet My Farmer, Rob

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Ralph Nader

Nov 1, 2012 by

Thom sits down with former presidential candidate Ralph Nader for an extended interview about the 2012 election, and with journalist and author Thomas Frank on our country’s subservience to the billionaire class. In tonight’s “Daily Take” Thom looks at how Republicans are planning to steal the election by disenfranchising voters in Ohio.

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Wake Up and Smell the Bullshit. Then Go Vote. by William Blum

by William Blum
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
November 1, 2012

The universe unraveling

The Southeast Asian country of Laos in the late 1950s and early 60s was a complex and confusing patchwork of civil conflicts, changes of government and switching loyalties. The CIA and the State Department alone could take credit for engineering coups at least once in each of the years 1958, 1959 and 1960. No study of Laos of this period appears to have had notable success in untangling the muddle of who exactly replaced whom, and when, and how, and why. After returning from Laos in 1961, American writer Norman Cousins stated that “if you want to get a sense of the universe unraveling, come to Laos. Complexity such as this has to be respected.” 1

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