Richard D. Wolff: What is Capitalism and Socialism? What is Money? What is Debt Jubilee?

Occupy May Day 2012

Image by brent granby via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

acTVism Munich on Feb 21, 2017

In this interview with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff, we talk to him about Capitalism and Socialism.

– What is Capitalism and Socialism?
– What differentiates Capitalism from Socialism?
– Has either system ever existed in its purest form?
– Was Capitalism actually overcome by Socialism when the State took over private ownership?
-What changes are required in society to truly implement Socialism?

Richard Wolff – What is Money? Why do some have more than others?

acTVism Munich on Mar 2, 2017

In this interview with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard Wolff, we talk to him about an instrument of exchange that we use in our society on a daily basis called money.

– What is money?
– What type of monetary system do we have today?
– Is money a societal creation?
– Why do some have more than others?

Richard D. Wolff- Bankruptcy Protection, Debt Jubilee, Students Debt and the Credit System

acTVism Munich on Mar 10, 2017

In this interview with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff, we talk to him about bankruptcy protection, debt jubilee, students debt and the function that a credit system serves in our society today.

– Why are individual guaranteed bankruptcy protection and nation states are not?
– What is debt jubilee? What relevance does debt jubilee have in today’s day and age?
– Why students and working class people taking on more and more debt?
– Why are students particularly vulnerable to predatory lending?
– Is debt being used by financial institutions as a system of control?

from the archives:

Universal Basic Income–Not The Answer, Yet But Needs To Be Discussed by Graham Peebles

Poverty Will Kill More Of Us Than Terrorism

If This Is The Last Century Of Capitalism, What Will Replace It? by Pete Dolack

If We Don’t Solve The Problem Of Economic Polarization, We’re Going To Go Into Another Dark Age by Michael Hudson

Socialism: Creating a World to Change Our Lives by Sam Friedman

Michael Hudson: Modern Money and Public Purpose 1: The Historical Evolution of Money and Debt

9 thoughts on “Richard D. Wolff: What is Capitalism and Socialism? What is Money? What is Debt Jubilee?

  1. Pingback: Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown: Avoiding The Road To Serfdom – Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Sovereign Debt Jubilee, Japanese-Style by Ellen Brown – Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA – Dandelion Salad

  4. Pingback: Capitalism: The Systematic Poverty and Exploitation of Human Beings by Finian Cunningham – Dandelion Salad

  5. This Empire of Debt needs a Jubilee Party! Excellent summary from Prof Wolff. As Gerald Celente used to say “break the chains!!”

    Y’know, we should really admit it’s terribly simple; economic utility emerged out of ancient city states that were always warring over resources, dominion, cultural ideals, religious purity and so on. The greatest revolution that has brought the most sweeping changes in the ‘West’ after industrialism (financed by slave wealth) and the philosophical enlightenment that gave birth to some monstrous grotesques has been the exponential growth of scientific knowledge and its heuristic method.

    The most revolutionary and all encompassing of all the sciences, that has yet to fully flex its empirical muscles, is ecology. Ecology has demonstrated to all of us who have open eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart that beats, is that all economic theory, political philosophy and social praxis soever, must be contextually embedded and formally understood as a fundamental subset that is dependent on over-arching ecological principles and relies on their cumulative empirical data.

    This simple fact has yet to dawn in the blinkered consciousness of many dim-witted specialists and capital experts, that have, as yet, still utterly failed to grasp the diverse implications and radical enormity of this body of knowledge; let alone even to have begun to comprehend its colossal and inescapable import, because the matter has so far eluded the scope of their conditioned intellectual capacity and cognitive engagement.

    Economics is only, and can only ever be a subset of our systemic biospherical ecology. That is a cardinal planetary fact. If some illiterate clowns or sophist poseurs insist otherwise, then so be it. However, it does not and will not make this singular fact of cosmic life into a ‘convenient’ falsehood; no matter how hard they strain and gibber and preach their narcissistic inanities.

    Reality is slowly and inexorably overtaking their feeble efforts to evade it.

  6. Pingback: Sheldon Wolin: Can Capitalism and Democracy Coexist? Parts 1-8, interviewed by Chris Hedges – Dandelion Salad

  7. Pingback: Louis T. McFadden (1876-1936): An American Hero by Richard C. Cook – Dandelion Salad

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