Abby Martin: Privacy, Control and the Darknet

Abby Martin: Privacy, Control and the Darknet

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Abby Martin

Empire Files on Jun 19, 2017

Out of the periphery of most online users, there’s a vast, hidden space used by people who want to remain anonymous, which filmmaker Alex Winter explores in his documentary Deep Web. The film focuses on the Silk Road, a black market hosted on the Darknet using bitcoin cryptocurrency, and the trial of Ross Ulbricht, who was given a double life sentence without the possibility of parole for creating and hosting the site.

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Grotesque Inequality and Anxiety by Graham Peebles

Solidarity (3 of 25)

Image by Glenn Halog via Flickr

by Graham Peebles
Writer, Dandelion Salad
London, England
May 5, 2017

Anxiety and depression are at unprecedented levels worldwide and the numbers are growing. The World Health Organization (WHO) describe it as an epidemic, and estimate that 615 million people are suffering from one or other of these debilitating diseases. A staggering number, that in all likelihood is an indication only of the depth of the problem; anxiety as documented by the WHO, is primarily a developed nation’s issue. The 800 million living in extreme poverty in India for example are not polled, and are too overwhelmed by the daily demand for survival to even question if they feel depressed or anxious; so too the 500 million living on the margins of life in sub-Saharan Africa, or rural China.

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