Obama Doctrine: Eternal War For Imperfect Mankind by Rick Rozoff

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by Rick Rozoff
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
11 December, 2009

President and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States Barack Obama delivered his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance address in Oslo on December 10, which has immediately led to media discussion of an Obama Doctrine.

With obligatory references to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi (the second referred to only by his surname) but to no other American presidents than Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy – fellow peace prize recipients Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter weren’t mentioned – the U.S. head of state spoke with the self-assurance of the leader of the world’s first uncontested superpower and at times with the self-righteousness of a would-be prophet and clairvoyant. And, in the words of German philosopher Friedrich von Schlegel, a prophet looking backward.

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Dennis Kucinich: Over A Million Innocent People Perished In A War Based On A Lie! + Tax Bankers’ Bonuses

Dandelion Salad

Kucinich Challenges Linking Unemployment Benefits to War Spending: “War Spending will Cost 2 million Jobs”

by Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Washington, Dec 10, 2009

Following a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement:

“According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, the sharp increase in war spending is taking up a greater portion of our Gross Domestic Product, which will cost the U.S. about two million jobs because such spending ‘is a direct drain on the economy, reducing efficiency, slowing growth and costing jobs.’ Contrary to popular assumptions, massive spending for war does not create jobs. It costs jobs. War spending is capital-intensive, not labor-intensive. War creates unemployment.

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Keiser Report №4: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

Dandelion Salad

December 10, 2009

This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at an application for worshiping Ronald Reagan and growing fears of the next sovereign debt crisis. Keiser also speaks to economist Steve Keen about wages, deflation and zombie capitalism.

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Economic Crossroads Means Opportunities for Local Currencies, by Richard C. Cook

by Richard C. Cook
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
December 10, 2009

The crisis of 2008-2009 exposed the U.S. financial system as being unstable, subject to abuse, and tending to favor the rich while putting everyone else deeper into debt.

The housing bubble was based on the biggest credit inflation in history. It raised the prices of homes to unprecedented levels but created the deepest recession in a generation when it collapsed. $6 trillion in wealth has now simply disappeared.

Meanwhile, unregulated global capitalism continues to concentrate wealth, outsource jobs to the cheapest possible labor markets, accelerate U.S. unemployment, and destroy local and regional economies.

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Chaos and Confusion: The Return of the Military Commissions by Andy Worthington

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by Andy Worthington
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
10 December 2009

For anyone who has studied Guantánamo’s Military Commissions closely over the last eight years, it was obvious that their revival last week, in a supposedly new and improved form, was bound to be a disaster.

First dragged out of obscurity in November 2001 by Dick Cheney and his close advisors, specifically to secure the convictions of “terror suspects” in a system designed to allow evidence obtained through the use of torture, the Commissions failed twice before their recent reincarnation. In June 2006, the Supreme Court ruled that they violated both the Geneva Conventions and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and when they were revived by Congress later that year (with torture banned, but coerced evidence allowed at the discretion of the judges), they then stumbled from one disaster to another from March 2007 until January 2009, when President Obama suspended them.

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Years Of Deceit: US Openly Accepts Bin Laden Long Dead By Gordon Duff

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Dandelion Salad

By Gordon Duff
Senior Editor

Conservative commentator, former Marine Colonel Bob Pappas has been saying for years that bin Laden died at Tora Bora and that Senator Kerry’s claim that bin Laden escaped with Bush help was a lie. Now we know that Pappas was correct. The embarrassment of having Secretary of State Clinton talk about bin Laden in Pakistan was horrific. He has been dead since December 13, 2001 and now, finally, everyone, Obama, McChrystal, Cheney, everyone who isn’t nuts is finally saying what they have known for years.

However, since we lost a couple of hundred of our top special operations forces hunting for bin Laden after we knew he was dead, is someone going to answer for this with some jail time?  Since we spent 200 million dollars on “special ops” looking for someone we knew was dead, who is going to jail for that?  Since Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney continually talked about a man they knew was dead, now known to be for reasons of POLITICAL nature, who is going to jail for that?  Why were tapes brought out, now known to be forged, as legitimate intelligence to sway the disputed 2004 election in the US?  This is a criminal act if there ever was one.


via YEARS OF DECEIT: US OPENLY ACCEPTS BIN LADEN LONG DEAD : Veterans Today – News for U.S. Military Veterans Jobs, VA Benefits, Home Loans, Hospitals & Administration.

h/t: ICH

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from the archives:

Osama bin Laden Responsible for the 9/11 Attacks? Where is the Evidence? by David Ray Griffin

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? by David Ray Griffin

9/11 on Dandelion Salad

Exclusive: The Mysterious Disappearance of Osama bin Laden by Gary Sudborough

Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11 by Luke Ryland

“Osama bin Laden Dead or Alive?” with Dr. David Ray Griffin

Dennis Kucinich: Where Is Osama bin Laden?

The Eight-Year-Long Psychological Operation – Osama Bin Laden: Dead Or Alive? By Tod Fletcher

Cindy Sheehan: How Dare You? + speech transcript

with Cindy Sheehan
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox
Dec. 10, 2009

December 10, 2009 Continue reading

Calling Time On The Use Of Secret Evidence In The UK by Andy Worthington

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by Andy Worthington
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
10 December 2009

On December 1, two High Court judges, Lord Justice Laws and Mr. Justice Owen, dealt what looked like the final blows to the British government’s policies of imprisoning terror suspects without charge or trial on the basis of secret evidence — or otherwise depriving them of their liberty under a form of house arrest (also on the basis of secret evidence) — which have existed, in various forms, since December 2001, when a number of men were seized and held for three years in Belmarsh prison.

On Monday, however, in the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), which functions as Britain’s “terror court,” these hopes were dashed when Mr. Justice Mitting refused to reinstate the bail of an Algerian prisoner, who is imprisoned facing deportation, even though his bail was revoked in March on the basis of secret evidence.

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Behind the US-Colombian defense cooperation

Dandelion Salad

December 09, 2009

In October, the US and Colombia signed a defense cooperation agreement. Sold as US support for the war on drugs, why has it caused outrage in South America?




Washington alters US Air Force document to hide intentions behind military accord with Colombia by Eva Golinger

Official US Air Force Document Reveals the True Intentions Behind the US-Colombia Military Agreement By Eva Golinger


Roger Hickey: Four conservative Dems force Reid on public option; Medicare may be expanded

Dandelion Salad



Hickey: Four conservative Dems force Reid on public option; Medicare may be expanded

Roger Hickey is co-director of the Campaign for America’s Future, an organization launched by 100 prominent Americans to expand the national debate about America’s economic future. The Campaign seeks to empower working Americans, middle-class families, and the poor to make their voices heard in support of a populist economic agenda and an expansion of democracy. Recently, Hickey organized and helped to lead a national coalition of citizen leaders known as Americans United to Protect Social Security.

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