End the U.S. Wars Rally: Cynthia McKinney: President Obama, Stop Bankrupting our Nation!

Dandelion Salad

December 12, 2009

On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, ex-Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) was one of the speakers at the emergency “End-the-U.S.-Wars” rally. See for background: http://www.enduswars.org/ The event was held in Lafayette Park, directly opposite the White House. Rep. McKinney ran for President of the United States in the 2008 election on the Green Party ticket. She is also a champion of Human Rights and has consistently, and courageously, stood up for the beleaguered peoples of Occupied Palestine.


[longer version]

Where’s the Peace Rally – Cynthia & Coy McKinney – December 12 DC

December 12, 2009

Where’s the Peace Rally at the White House with Cynthia and her son Coy McKinney – December 12.

Thank You to
Talk Black Live Radio
for provided the video from their live stream of the event


End the U.S. Wars Rally: Dennis Kucinich: These Wars Are Corrupting…our Nation!

Kucinich’s Response to President Obama’s “Just War” Doctrine + Why I voted No on H.R. 4173

“Just War” Is Just Words by Ralph Nader + Passage of H.R. 4173

Obama Doctrine: Eternal War For Imperfect Mankind by Rick Rozoff

10 thoughts on “End the U.S. Wars Rally: Cynthia McKinney: President Obama, Stop Bankrupting our Nation!

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