In the name of Vittorio Arrigoni, the ‘Stay Human’ convoy has entered Gaza + Viva Palestina: The Ongoing Journey

Sent to DS from Stephanie Westbrook.

Updated: May 13, 2011

English: Viva Palestina convoy arrives in Gaza

English: Viva Palestina convoy arrives in Gaza (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

by Stay Human Convoy
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
May 12, 201

After leaving Cairo this morning at dawn, the 80 activists of the ‘Restiamo Umani’ convoy have entered Gaza at 4pm after crossing five Egyptian check-points.

The convoy, whose goal is to return to the place where Vittorio Arrigoni has spent his life, wrote a first report – posted on “We are going to Gaza, Vittorio is with us”.

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Confirmed report: Israeli Forces Have Killed 16 Passengers On Board The Flotilla, 60 Injured (updated)

Latest updates are below; scroll down please.

From Facebook:
Gaza TV News


Call for action from activist Caoimhe Butterly (Gaza TV News)

GazaTVNews — May 30, 2010 Continue reading

Viva Palestina Convoy Members Threatened With Arrest by Egypt + Galloway has been deported: A Badge of honour from a Tin Pot Dictatorship

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January 08, 2010

Fri 8 Jan 2010 @ 0800GMT: Press TV’s Hassan Ghani reports from Gaza on the Convoy being threatened with arrest by Egyptian Police.

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George Galloway Describes “Desperate” Situation in Gaza

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Democracy Now!
Jan 7, 2010

Viva Palestina Aid Convoy Arrives in Gaza, George Galloway Describes “Desperate” Situation

A humanitarian aid convoy has arrived in Gaza nearly a month after it embarked from Britain. Members of the Viva Palestina convoy began passing through Egypt’s Rafah border crossing into Gaza on Wednesday. They are expected to spend the next forty-eight hours distributing the aid supplies. We go to Gaza to speak with British MP George Galloway, who led the convoy.

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Aid convoy breaks Israeli blockade of Gaza + Clashes on Gaza-Egypt Rafah border
Wed, 06 Jan 2010 17:48:07 GMT

The Viva Palestina aid convoy entered Gaza Wednesday, after it received the approval of Egyptian authorities to bring into the besieged, impoverished coastal sliver several tons of humanitarian supplies.

The activists entered Gaza through Rafah border crossing. More than 500 international activists accompany the convoy organized by the British-based group Viva Palestina, a Press TV correspondent reported.

Fifty-nine vehicles were not allowed into the strip but the supplies were unloaded and taken through by the activists.

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Galloway: Deal Reached + Activists reject Egypt’s Gaza offer + Roger Waters Speaks Out

Dandelion Salad

readingpsc on Jan 6, 2010

Al Jazeera Wed 6 Jan 2010 @ 2000GMT: Al Jazeera reports on arrival of Viva Palestina Convoy, includes interview with George Galloway and report on earlier fatal clashes at the Rafah border.

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Gaza aid held-up in Jordan + Stranded in Aqaba, Jordan + International Hunger Strike by John Hurson

December 27, 2009

Since June 2007  Gaza has been under a crippling blockade with few essential goods making it through. Now an aid convoy of 250 trucks and ambulances is attempting to reach the Strip to deliver much needed supplies. But a bureaucratic argument with Egypt is holding it back in Aqaba in southwest Jordan. Al Jazeera’s Clayton Swisher reports.

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George Galloway: The president of Honduras: the depose and return + War in Afghanistan

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Dandelion Salad

October 04, 2009

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George Galloway: The war in Afghanistan

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No Wonder the Israelis Didn’t Want Photos Taken by Cynthia McKinney + Israeli warships attack Gaza coastline

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Dandelion Salad

Cynthia McKinney (OFFICIAL)

by Cynthia McKinney
July 17, 2009

The Viva Palestina convoy, led by George Galloway, is about to leave Gaza after having been permitted to enter for a period of 24 hours after waiting 11 days in Cairo for permission to enter Gaza. That in and of itself is a major story when expanded to include the inability of Gazans to exit The Strip–even if only to enter another part of their country, the West Bank or to move about freely in the fictional “Palestinian State.” I say fictional because it continues to dwindle even while peace talks are underway. Fictional, because Palestinian elections deemed by international observers to be free and fair, don’t count if the US- and Israel-approved party loses, and the winners get to sit for years in an Israeli jail. Fictional, because they use Israel’s currency here, the shekel, and the international roaming on our US cell phones indicates calls are from Israel.

Gaza is beautiful. Gaza is full of life, despite Israel’s Operation Cast Lead. And now, I have seen, Gaza has been bombed to smithereens. I think I’ve mastered my video camera enough to share some images with you. I’ll post them on the sites below when I return. In the meantime, my fellow Americans and citizens of the world, we have a lot to do to put right all the wrong things done in our name. Much love to all of you who helped me, guided me, prayed for me, to make this successful entry into Gaza happen.

Viva Palestina!!
Free Gaza!!


Israeli warships attack Gaza coastline

Fri, 17 Jul 2009 12:21:49 GMT

The coastline along the Gaza Strip has come under the fire of patrolling Israeli warships which invariably monitor the shores.

The barrages, which had taken aim at vast swathes of the littoral area on Friday, caused no casualties, the Palestinian Ma’an news agency quoted locals as saying.

Doctor Muawiyah Hassanein, the director of the Gazan Health Ministry’s Emergency and Ambulance Services confirmed there had been no casualties.

The naval bombardments frighten off the local fishermen further restricting the sources of livelihood for the blockaded sliver.

The patrols have been staged on a regular basis since the recent three-week-long Israeli attacks on the strip which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and left thousands of others injured.

via Israeli warships attack Gaza coastline.

Other interesting stories in the news:

Secret US-Israeli meeting to focus on Iran

Israel planned ‘Ahmadinejad assassination’


Viva Palestina: 24 Hours in Gaza By Soozy Duncan

Viva Palestina US Crosses Into Gaza through Rafah – Short Speech By George Galloway

Viva Palestina aid convoy enters Gaza + We are in Gaza (photos)


Viva Palestina US Crosses Into Gaza through Rafah – Short Speech By George Galloway

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Dandelion Salad

July 15, 2009

At approximately 1820GMT on July 15 2009, the Viva Palestina US Convoy finally crossed into Gaza from the Rafah Crossing in Egypt. Headed up by the British Member of Parliament, George Galloway as well as former Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney, the convoy was due to bring over US$1million of AID and humanitarian assistance into the besieged Gaza Strip. Due to problems created by the Mobarak Regime in Egypt they were finally only able to cross with half of that amount of aid.

This recording was recorded live as they entered Gaza, and has a short speech by George Galloway where he explains the situation and introduces that there will soon be a Viva Palestina Venezuala.

Broadcast on PressTV at approximately 1820GMT on July 15, 2009.

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Viva Palestina aid convoy enters Gaza + We are in Gaza (photos)

Viva Palestina aid convoy enters Gaza + We are in Gaza (photos)

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Dandelion Salad

Viva Palestina aid convoy enters Gaza
Wed, 15 Jul 2009 18:21:43 GMT

The Viva Palestina humanitarian convoy enters the Gaza Strip, breaking the deadly Israeli blockade imposed on 1.5 million Palestinians for a second time.

The American aid convoy carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of supplies for the people of Gaza crossed the Rafah border on Wednesday upon receiving permission from Cairo after a 10-day delay.

The 200 activists are allowed to stay in the coastal territory only for 24 hours, a Press TV correspondent reported.

Viva Palestina activists, all Americans, including Charles Barron, a New York City Councilman, say that they have been stranded on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing for about 10 days despite earlier arrangements.

The humanitarian aid convoy consisting of 50 vehicles is the second organized by British Member of Parliament and Press TV presenter George Galloway.


Photos: Viva Palestina US » WE ARE IN GAZA!!!!

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Press Advisory from Viva Palestina

Viva Palestina Updates 2 and 3

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Dandelion Salad

Convoy Update 2

by Kevin Ovenden
Viva Palestina coordinator
July 12, 2009, 2:45 am

The 100 Viva Palestina humanitarian volunteers have decided to stay the night in their buses at the Mubarak Peace Bridge over the Suez Canal despite pressure from the Egyptian security officials to return to Cairo.

The official reason given at the checkpoint for refusing to allow them to cross is that the officials there did not have a list of the names of the members of the convoy. Such a list was, however, at the request of the Egyptian authorities before any of the convoy members set foot in Egypt sent to the Egyptian ambassadors to Washington, D.C., and London.


via Viva Palestina US » Convoy Update 2


Viva Palestina Convoy update #3

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Video leading to capture of Cynthia McKinney and FreeGaza + Viva Palestina US update

July 11, 2009

Video taken on the boat “Spirit of Humanity” of Israeli Navy approach and threat before capture of Cynthia McKinney and FreeGaza.

Thank you to the producers
for permission and making video available.

Thank you to
for reporting the news that the mainstream media wouldn’t.

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Viva Palestina US update

“Viva Palestina” viva Palestina. Aid Convoy to Gaza!

The largest ever U.S. humanitarian aid convoy to Gaza is now gathering in Egypt to head across the border into Gaza on Monday, July 13.

Vehicles are coming from Alexandria, the medical supplies from Cairo and the advanced party of nearly 100 US citizens is heading for the staging post of Al Arish, just before the border with Gaza.

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Viva Palestina to break Gaza siege again

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Dandelion Salad

Mon, 06 Jul 2009 08:16:29 GMT

In another attempt to break the crippling Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, a group of ‘Viva Palestina’ activists has arrived in Egypt on a humanitarian mission.

About 100 US activists with tons of medical supplies arrived in Egypt on Sunday on their way to Gaza, hoping to break the deadly Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the territory –home to 1.5 million Palestinians.

The activists are part of a convoy of at least 200 people – all Americans – planned to be in Gaza by July 13. The convoy will head to the border after the rest of the group and supplies arrive.


via Viva Palestina to break Gaza siege again


George Galloway: We Have To Break That Siege

Viva Palestina: A Lifeline From The United States To Gaza by George Galloway