Ask not… by Jennifer

Jennifer Wants Justice and Peace

by Jennifer
featured writer
Dandelion Salad

Jennifer’s blog post
Justice and Peace
July 1, 2008

…what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. ~John F. Kennedy January 20, 1961

Close to two decades after this speech was made the concept of American self-sacrifice took hold in the form of a speech delivered by then president, Jimmy Carter. On April 18, 1977, Carter had an open and honest discussion with the American people about the ensuing energy crisis that would threaten our national security and well-being as a nation.

He warned us that in this century the energy crisis would likely get “progressively worse” and that, “we must balance our demand for energy with our rapidly shrinking resources.

Over thirty years ago, this was the message from our President and what have we done as a nation? We have annually increased our oil consumption and dependence on foreign oil. In spite of Carter’s calls and efforts to wean Americans off Middle Eastern oil dependence, European nations began conservation efforts that surpassed those of the Carter Administration…and some countries like Brazil and Sweden have either completely weaned themselves from oil dependence or have offered bold proposals to do so, proposals that are sustainable and do not continue the patterns of environmental degradation of nuclear and “clean coal” technologies.

Regardless of these blaring mistakes, no politician to date has addressed this issue as substantively as Carter has. This is not a partisan issue; under the administration of Clinton, we saw an encouragement to use more fuel through the simple act of raising the speed limit.

In his speech, Carter set out clear and obtainable goals…

–Reduce the annual growth rate in our energy demand to less than two percent.

–Reduce gasoline consumption by ten percent below its current level.

–Cut in half the portion of United States oil which is imported, from a potential level of 16 million barrels to six million barrels a day.

–Establish a strategic petroleum reserve of one billion barrels, more than six months’ supply.

–Increase our coal production by about two thirds to more than 1 billion tons a year.

–Insulate 90 percent of American homes and all new buildings.

–Use solar energy in more than two and one-half million houses.

…in reaching these goals, President Carter laid out ten principles guiding energy policy…most notable, are Carter’s fifth and sixth principle where he states,

Our solutions must ask equal sacrifices from every region, every class of people, every interest group. Industry will have to do its part to conserve, just as the consumers will. The energy producers deserve fair treatment, but we will not let the oil companies profiteer.

…and the cornerstone of our policy, is to reduce the demand through conservation. Our emphasis on conservation is a clear difference between this plan and others which merely encouraged crash production efforts. Conservation is the quickest, cheapest, most practical source of energy. Conservation is the only way we can buy a barrel of oil for a few dollars. It costs about $13 to waste it.

The time has come for Americans to make small sacrifices in order to conserve; perhaps drive slower to work every day, take public transit or carpool once a week, buy food from local farmers, (in other words read the label of your food, was it produced in Mexico or China? Put it back!), buy your children’s clothing at a second hand store or look for that Made in America label, shop in small local businesses rather than shop online where your product is hand delivered using more fuel, reduce the amount of meat you eat, turn off the lights, take shorter showers, turn your refrigerator down, wash in cold water, buy energy efficient appliances, turn down your thermostat and put on a sweater, cook more using fresh fruits and veggies that do not require lots of unnecessary packaging, and if possible utilize alternative energy sources like solar power to power your home.

Certainly as Carter pointed out some thirty years ago, we as a nation will surely perish if we do not look to alternatives and conservation. Thirty years have been wasted in blood and national treasure and his promise, “Beginning this moment, this nation will never use more foreign oil than we did in 1977 — never. From now on, every new addition to our demand for energy will be met from our own production and our own conservation. The generation-long growth in our dependence on foreign oil will be stopped dead in its tracks right now and then reversed as we move through the 1980s…” has gone unrecognized and held in contempt by many, especially those in the oil industry.

This brings us back to the request from John F. Kennedy, the idea of personal sacrifice for the well-being of our country, and the world, where violence has now become the accepted means to secure energy resources. From Africa to the Middle East, people die and suffer needlessly in order to quench our bloody thirst for oil.

Countdown: Courting the Faithful + Gas Pain + Manufactured Outrage

Dandelion Salad

July 1, 2008


Courting the Faithful

Keith talks to Rev. Barry Lynn about Obama’s proposal for continuing the Office of Faith Based Initiatives.

Gas Pain

Keith talks to Chris Hayes about the McCain campaign’s apparent lack of knowledge about the price of gas, Bill Kristol saying that the announcement of a VP candidate would lower gas prices, whether either candidate can do much about the price of gas and McCain’s cozy relationship with the press.

Manufactured Outrage

Keith reports on the McCain campaign’s lastest feigned outrage of the day and their complaints about what Jim Webb said on his show. Chris Kofinis weighs in.


Tonight’s: Halliburton-Gate, They’re Doing It Again In Iran-Gate and Gitmo-Gate.

Worst Person

And the winner is…BMW Direct. Runners up the psyche ward at King’s County Hospital in Brooklyn New York and Karl Rove.


Obama’s Comment That He Won’t Attack Mccain’s Patriotism Draws Attacks + Wes Clark on Verdict

Countdown: Jim Webb + McCain Double Talk Express

Daily Show: Just How Stupid Are We?

Dandelion Salad

TomDispatch (Tom Engelhardt)

July 1, 2008

To read Rick Shenkman’s essay at, “How Ignorant Are We? The Voters Choose… but on the Basis of What?” click here.

To buy Shenkman’s book, Just How Stupid Are We?, click here.

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UN: Israel violated truce 7 times in one week

Dandelion Salad

You’re not going to hear about this on CNN, etc.  ~ Lo

Roi Mandel

UN records 7 incidents of IDF soldiers attempting to drive Palestinian farmers away from border fence by shooting at them. Only one offence marked against Palestinians for firing on Sderot; report does not include most recent rocket fire

Since it went into effect last week, at least eight violations of the new ceasefire agreement with Hamas and the Palestinian factions have been recorded, a UN source told Ynet on Thursday. According to the source, seven violations were committed by the IDF, while the Palestinians are responsible for just one.



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Lawmakers Cash In As Lobbyists By Jim Hightower

Dandelion Salad

By Jim Hightower
07/01/08 “ICH”

Old Congress critters never die; they just flitter away to K Street.

Take Dennis Hastert. Actually, he’s already taken. The longtime Republican lawmaker retired last November, but rather than return to Illinois, he has alighted just a few blocks from the Capital at the blue-chip lobbying firm of Dickstein Shapiro. The firm lured Hastert with more than half a million bucks in annual pay, designating him “strategic counselor” on the legislative needs of its corporate clientele.

Dickstein Shapiro brags that it lobbies for more than 100 of the Fortune 500 corporations – a lineup that includes tobacco giants, drug companies, the nuclear industry, mercenaries like Triple Canopy, and such brand names as AT&T and Time Warner. Hastert will feel right at home in this crowd, for he was always a faithful legislative errand runner for corporate America. Indeed, corporate interests essentially ran the place when Hastert was Speaker of the House, with the likes of super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff given a free hand to cut corrupt deals. While Dennis no longer has the muscle to ram through a corporation’s agenda, he certainly has his old buddy network and insider knowledge to get favors done – this time for personal gain.

Hastert is hardly the only Capital Hill alum to cash in on his public trust. In recent years, more than 200 former members have made the lucrative metamorphosis from lawmaker to lobbyist, and Congress’s feeble ethics rules even let members openly shop for lobbying jobs while they’re supposed to be doing their legislative work. This is a revolving door system that special interests are happy to exploit – last year, they paid nearly $3 billion to hire Washington influence peddlers. That’s $17 million for every day Congress was in session.

And Congress critters wonder why their public approval rating is a humiliating 11 percent.


“It’s So Much Nicer on K Street,” The New York Times, June 6, 2007

“Revolving Door: Hastert’s New Gig,”, June 5, 2008

“Dennis Hastert to Join Gay and Transgender Inclusive Law Firm,”, May 30, 2008

“Message From Our Chairman,”

“Hastert to join D.C. lobbying firm,”, May 30, 2008

“Former Speaker Hastert to join lobbying firm,”, May 30, 2008

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Sibel Edmonds Case: Dennis Hastert to receive payoffs for ’services rendered’


Overpaying CEOs by Ralph Nader

Dandelion Salad

Ralph Nader after the speech - Green Lecture

Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page
Tuesday, July 1. 2008

The worst top management of giant corporations in American history is also by far the most hugely paid. That contradiction applies as well to the Boards of Directors of these global companies.

Consider these illustrations:

The bosses of General Motors (GM) have presided over the worst decline of GM shares in the last fifty years, the lowering of GM bonds to junk status, the largest money losses and layoffs of tens of thousands of workers. Yet these top executives are still in place and still receiving much more pay than their successful counterparts at Toyota. Continue reading

We, the Salt of the Earth, Take Precedence By Paul Craig Roberts

Dandelion Salad

By Paul Craig Roberts
07/01/08 “ICH”

Which country is the rogue nation?  Iraq?  Iran?  Or the United States? Syndicated columnist Charley Reese asks this question in a recently published article.

Reese notes that it is the US that routinely commits “acts of aggression around the globe.”  The US government has no qualms about dropping bombs on civilians whether they be in Serbia, the Middle East, or Africa.  It is all in a good cause–our cause.

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Córdoba on Negotiating with FARC, Why She Was Detained at JFK

Dandelion Salad

Democracy Now!

July 1, 2008

Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba on Negotiating with FARC, Her Criticism of Uribe and Why She Was Detained at JFK

Senator John McCain heads to Colombia today where he is expected to receive a lavish welcome from Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. We speak with Colombia Senator, Piedad Córdoba, who received a far different reception when she came to the United States–she was detained and questioned by immigration authorities at JFK airport. Córdoba has played a leading role in mediation efforts with the Colombian rebel group FARC and has been an outspoken critic of the Uribe government as well as a leading voice in Colombia’s Afro-Colombian community.

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Republican Senator John McCain is heading to Colombia today, the first stop on a brief Latin America trip that will also take him to Mexico. McCain is expected to receive a lavish welcome, meeting with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe later tonight. But meanwhile here in the United States, a counterpart of McCain’s in the Colombian Senate has been given a far different reception. On Friday, Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba was detained by immigration authorities at New York’s JFK airport.

Despite holding a diplomatic passport, Senator Cordoba was interrogated for more than two hours. Immigration agents made copies of her documents, phone numbers, and other personal belongings.

Cordoba has played a leading role in mediation efforts with the Colombian rebel group FARC. She has been outspoken critic of the Uribe government and a leading voice in Colombia’s Afro-Colombian community. Her political views, including staunch support for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, have led to allegations of treason from opponents. She was recently accused of illegal contact with FARC rebels, one of several political controversies she’s faced in Colombia. Senator Cordoba joins me here in the firehouse studio.

Sen. Piedad Córdoba, Senator in the Colombian Congress. She has served as a government mediator in talks with the Colombian rebel group FARC.

Ralph Nader (This Week With George Stephanopoulos)

Dandelion Salad


June 29, 2008

Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader criticizes Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain on This Week With George Stephanopoulous on 6/29/2008.

“I think the two parties are hurting our country and they need more competition.” – Ralph Nader

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Israelis Assault Award Winning IPS Journalist

Dandelion Salad

By Mel Frykberg

GAZA CITY, Jun 28 (IPS) – Mohammed Omer, the Gaza correspondent of IPS, and joint winner of the 2008 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, was strip-searched at gunpoint, assaulted and abused by Israeli security officials at the Allenby border crossing between Jordan and the West Bank on Thursday as he tried to return home to Gaza.

Omer, a resident of Rafah in the south of Gaza, and previous recipient of the New America Media’s Best Youth Voice award several years ago, was returning from London where he had just collected his Gellhorn Prize, and from several European capitals where he had speaking engagements, including a meeting with Greek parliamentarians.


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From Triumph to Torture By John Pilger

Mosaic News – 06/30/08: World News From The Middle East

Dandelion Salad



This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only be viewed by a mature audience.


For more:
“Israel-Hezbollah prisoner swap in two weeks,” Dubai TV, UAE
“What is the Fate of Israeli Pilot Ron Arad?,” IBA TV, Israel
“Israel & Iran: The Cat & Mouse Game,” Abu Dhabi TV, UAE
“Oil rises to record on concerns about Iran,” Press TV, Iran
“Major Oil Companies Return to Iraq,” Al Jazeera TV, Qatar
“Afghanistan Accuses Pakistan of Assassination Attempt,” Al-Alam TV, Iran
“Economic Conference in Berlin,” Sudan TV, Sudan
“Morocco poised to fight child labour,” Al Jazeera English, Qatar
Produced for Link TV by Jamal Dajani.

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North Korea Smackdown – How the “Dear Leader” Blackmailed Bush

Dandelion Salad

By Mike Whitney
06/30/08 “ICH”

After seven years of nonstop belligerence and saber rattling, the Bush administration has given North Korea everything it has demanded. In return, the US gets nothing. The UN’s nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, will not get access to Kim Jong-il’s nuclear stockpile or its “Top-Secret” file on weapons programs or be allowed to conduct surprise “go anywhere, see anything” inspections. Kim will continue to develop his long-range ballistic-missile delivery system, the Taepodong 2, just as he will (presumably) continue to export nuclear weapons technology to allies in the Middle East and elsewhere. The Bush administration has made a very dangerous enemy and the present agreement does nothing to mitigate that threat. It merely sends a message to America’s rivals around the world that the US can be blackmailed if the stakes are high enough. The United States has been humiliated by a man who many believe is an unstable megalomaniac and a ruthless tyrant. Was that the goal?

There was a time when George Bush would have nothing to do with Kim Jong-il, he privately scoffed at the reclusive dictator and called him “a pygmy” behind his back. He placed North Korea on the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism, froze their foreign bank accounts, refused to honor the terms of the Agreed Framework (which was negotiated by Bill Clinton) and threatened to take military action if Kim did not comply with US demands.

What a difference a few years and a few nuclear weapons make. Now the blustery bravado and swaggering insolence has changed to hand-wringing and hyperactive backroom diplomacy. The Bush team has suddenly shifted from its ritual chest-thumping into damage-control mode, but the change comes too late.

On Thursday, Bush announced that he would remove North Korea from the terrorism list and lift other economic sanctions. This follows an earlier decision to provide Kim with massive quantities of oil to meet the North’s energy needs; a fact that is ignored by the establishment media. On virtually every issue, the sullen despot in the oversized Foster-Grants has gotten whatever he’s asked for. This has infuriated many of Bush’s biggest supporters. Last week, former United Nations ambassador John Bolton blasted the agreement saying:

“I think it’s actually a clear victory for North Korea.” They’ve gained “enormous political legitimacy by being taken off our list of state sponsors of terrorism and out from under the prohibitions of the Trading With the Enemy Act. … It’s a very sad day for supporters of the president. It’s the final collapse of Bush’s foreign policy.”

Indeed, North Korea is second the biggest policy failure of the Bush presidency. (Iraq is still the first, by far) Bush has staked his legacy on his ability to “keep the world’s most dangerous weapons out of the hands of the world’s most worst dictators”, but his mule-headedness and incompetence have only made matters worse and pushed the world closer to nuclear Armageddon. Now that Kim has nukes at his disposal, South Korea and Japan will be forced to escalate to maintain military parity. Bush’s botched diplomatic efforts signal the beginning of another nuclear arms race. At the very least, it is the end of the NPT.

A nuclear-armed North Korea also creates bigger challenges for the US in the Middle East. The Wall Street Journal summed it up like this in an editorial on Friday:

“Most troubling is the message all of this sends to Iran, or other rogue states. The lesson is that when you build a weapon, your political leverage increases. Play enough brinkmanship, and you can even receive diplomatic absolution without admitting to having the kind of nuclear device you exploded less than two years earlier. We understand that diplomacy often includes winks and nods, but it shouldn’t require denial.” (Wall Street Journal, “Leap of Faith”)

There’s no doubt that Tehran is watching Bush’s backpedaling with great amusement or that the Mullahs have figured out that the only way to stop the relentless hectoring of the US is by building a nuclear weapon. The only difference between North Korea and the last-remaining member of the “axis of evil” (Iran) is five or six 15 megaton nuclear warheads. If that’s what it takes to gain the respect of the “international community”; so be it.

The western media has described Bush’s capitulation as “a triumph” because Kim blew up the already “out of commission” cooling tower at Yongbyon. Big deal. The celebratory photos can be found in any of America’s leading newspapers. But North Korea did not develop its nuclear weapons at the plutonium plant, but in a parallel, underground program which made bomb fuel from enriched uranium. No one denies this. The demolition of the tower was meaningless public relations photo-op to confuse the American people and help Bush save face. The people who follow developments with North Korea know the truth, that the Bush administration has once again dragged the US through the mud.

The harshest critics of the new deal have been Bush’s far-right supporters, like Claudia Rosett, of “The Rosett Report” (a favorite at the Weekly Standard and the American Enterprise Institute) Here’s what she says:

“The lesson to date is that America, faced with nuclear blackmail, will bow down, dignify and fortify tyrants, fork over loot, and celebrate the process as a victory for diplomacy. Were North Korea to detonate a nuclear bomb over Los Angeles tomorrow, I start to wonder if Condi Rice and Chris Hill, would describe the cataclysm as “troubling” and then re-cast it as a candid and informative addendum to North Korea’s promised declaration of its nuclear program.”

Rosett is right. The message to foreign leaders is clear; the only way to change minds in Washington is by putting a loaded gun to their heads. Countries without WMD simply have no bargaining power. That’s the real lesson here and other countries are bound to draw the same conclusion. In 2002, Dick Cheney made his famous statement, “We don’t negotiate with evil; we defeat it”.


Immediately after the North detonated a nuclear bomb in 2006, Bush administration officials met in a face-to-face meeting in Berlin. The meeting was kept secret to conceal the administration’s willingness to meet one-on-one with their North Korean counterparts. Up until then, the arrogant Bushies had refused to negotiate in person; choosing instead to hide behind the 6 party talks. Kim’s nuclear experiment changed all that and brought about a sudden reversal in the administration’s approach.

“According to Japan’s Asashi newspaper, the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding under which North Korea would make steps towards denuclearization at the same time as the US resumed annual shipments of 500,000 tonnes of oil, which were halted in 2002.” (UK Guardian) Bush was only too happy to oblige.

So much for Cheney’s “We don’t negotiate with evil”. In fact, we don’t negotiate; we cave in and give away the farm.

Other parts of Clinton’s “Agreed Framework” are still being hammered out, but one thing is certain, Kim is not going to back-down on the one thing he wants more than anything else; written assurances that the United States will not preemptively attack North Korea. The Bush administration has resisted providing “security guarantees” in the form of treaties because they conflict with the so-called Bush Doctrine which asserts that the US can attack whoever it chooses to protect its own vital interests. That doctrine is about to meet its greatest challenge; a loony autocrat with a fistful of nukes. Kim would be crazy to accept anything less than a signed treaty, and he will probably get it, because no one in Washington wants to see the Korean Peninsula transformed into a WMD-production factory. That’s the nightmare scenario that everyone wants to avoid.

The crisis with North Korea could have been avoided with skillful diplomacy and a willingness to compromise on the central issues. Now Bush has backed himself into a corner and will have to grovel his way out. That means he’ll have to engage in two-party negotiations and work out a deal at the bargaining table. Good luck.

Presently, Kim Jong-il has a stockpile of 6 to 10 nuclear warheads. With a few finishing touches to his Taepodong ICBM-system, he’ll be able to wipe out the 9 western states with a flip of the switch. Bush’s bungling has put half the country in the crosshairs of a man whose sanity has always been in doubt.

You’re doin’ a heckuva job, Georgie!

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Dr. Al-Arian Indicted! Please Act!

Dandelion Salad
June 30, 2008

Dr. Al-Arian Unjustly Indicted!

Government abuses grand jury system to punish prominent civil rights activist

Alexandria, Virginia, June 30, 2008

Last Thursday, three months after refusing to testify before a third grand jury, Dr. Sami Al-Arian – whose trial has been the single most important test case of the PATRIOT Act – was charged on two counts of contempt of court. Dr. Al-Arian refused to testify not only because the plea agreement he concluded with the government in 2006 clearly exempts him from having to do so, but also because it was a clear perjury trap.


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Sami Al-Arian

Political Prisoners/Sami al-Arian/Suzi Hazahza

Watermelon May Have Viagra-effect

Dandelion Salad

Now for something completely different.  Hope you’ll read the entire piece as it goes into the benefits of watermelon (& other fruits and veggies).  ~ Lo

Texas A&M University
July 1, 2008

A cold slice of watermelon has long been a Fourth of July holiday staple. But according to recent studies, the juicy fruit may be better suited for Valentine’s Day. That’s because scientists say watermelon has ingredients that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body’s blood vessels and may even increase libido.


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