
by Hakim
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Sept. 9, 2013


Image by isafmedia via Flickr

ourjourneytosmile·Aug 11, 2013

Imagine a world free of borders!
All human beings live under the same blue sky.
The sky has no borders! It has no borders…
It’s time that all Mexicans become more socially aware, & go out on the streets like this. Political parties & religions don’t matter anymore. Mexico matters & we as human beings matter.
South Koreans protest against a U.S. military base on Jeju Island
London students oppose education cuts
Chile students ask for free university education
Montreal students in Canada protest university fee hikes
Spanish Indignados “We are not goods..”
“Idle No More!” Movement – the indigenous people of Canada dance in a shopping mall
People in Ningbo, China protest against a chemical plant
“This is not only possible, but necessary.” Tree villagers in Texas block Keystone Oil Pipeline
I feel that I need to do everything I can to stop climate change & to stop the environmental damage in general. We need to transform society so that it’s actually sustainable.
Japanese in Fukushima protest against nuclear power
“I had no words.” Ross Sea, Antarctica — “The Last Ocean”
Nothing could have prepared me for the flood of emotion when I saw them for the first time.
The sky has no borders!
The Afghan Peace Volunteers protested the NATO killing of 2 Afghan kids tending to their cows.
We are those two Afghan children
We want peace!
We cleaned and took a stand around a bomb crater.
We’re dreaming & working, the border-free sky beckons to all: dance, resist, love!
There are many problems in Afghanistan & the world today.
My mother is sick & I need to take her to Pakistan.
I’m worried about encountering problems at the border.
How I wish for a world without borders!


Two Afghan Children Killed Tending Their Cattle by NATO

Rivera Sun’s The Dandelion Insurrection reviewed by Guadamour

15 thoughts on “Borderfree!

  1. Pingback: Plant Trees Not Bombs in Afghanistan | Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: A Call for Borderfree Skype or Telephone Connections with the Afghan Peace Volunteers | Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: Malalai Joya: The Hypocrisy of the U.S. Government + Chomsky Scorns So-Called “Humanitarian Intervention” | Dandelion Salad

  4. Pingback: Chris Hedges: Afghanistan, the Longest War in US History | Dandelion Salad

  5. Pingback: Now Official: For the British Ministry of Defence, Afghan Lives Are Cheap by Felicity Arbuthnot | Dandelion Salad

  6. A border free world is a Ceo Wall street’s wet dream . it is also the WTO,and IMf ‘s goal . only the Sovernty of the Nation state can prevent slave labor and enviromental decimation on a grand scale. The city state historically and the nation state have been THE bulwark against Empire.

    this poem -free verse is John Lennon babble . Imagine what ? more oppression ? not on my watch . progressives need to wake up and resist this utopian nonsense that will end in a distopian nightmare.

    but of course todays progressives probabaly dont even know who george orwell is .

    you want a place without brorders? do you really ? it is the kingdom of heaven within you …if indeed it is within you . the rest is corporatese demogogury . the multinationals want nothing better to exploit cheap labor. So they will endorese this trype.

    • Did you watch the video?

      These youth in Afghanistan are not saying that they want an end to sovereign nations. They want to be able to freely travel. What do you say to the young man who needs to travel to Pakistan with his ill mother for health care?

      The multinational corporations are already exploiting labor; human trafficking is at an all time high; the environment is being decimated.

      Check out the latest post on the TPP:

      Kristen Beifus: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (#TPP)

      Did you read these articles?

      Children and Women for Sale In India by Graham Peebles

      Why Labor Unions Need to Join the Climate Fight by Naomi Klein

      • Lo , in all due repsect , you know exactly where i stand on this issue . if you think that the multinationals are doing bad bizness now , just wait until they get to their endgame of erasing borders. read Nader’s work on our southern border and Wall Street.

        i stood alone on what Arizona was doing as a progressive act against slave labor by securing that border. never mind their motives. better to deport than to exploit .

        what would i say to the young man who needs to visit his sick mother that is ill. i would say ”DO IT !” if it is illegal , then do it . that is a worthy thing 100 per cent . that is civil disobedience . that is an individual acting according to conscience and love.

        i did not say that the yout was saying to end sovern nations , but the free verses-poem is . there is a difference. the person who wrote it was probably very ignorantly sincere of the endgame of multi-nationals .

    • Dear rocketkirchner,

      Thank you for your responses.

      We certainly don’t want one government ruling the whole world!

      What we envision is the human family working across all borders to build real alternatives to our destructive socio-economic inequalities, global warming businesses and lifestyles, and wars. We wish to take up Prof Noam Chomsky’s call in

      This will mean independent communities/countries working together interdependently.

      Thank you for working to dismantle the 1% dominance of corporations. We are with you.

      Many thanks,
      Hakim and the Afghan Peace Volunteers

      • Hakim , your welcome . if the Nation State as we know it is dismantled in any way there will be a one world government and it will not be run by benevolent Zen Monks .

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