Chris Hedges: Political Passivity + Costas Lapavitsas: Transforming Capital


Image by laurent roger via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

Citizens Connect on Oct 22, 2016

Linking existential anxiety to naive optimism and political passivity, Chris Hedges urges us to confront reality in order to escape illusion.

This is a film based on the book Death of the Liberal Class by journalist and Pulitzer prize winner, Chris Hedges.

It charts the rise of the Corporate State, and examines the future of obedience in a world of unfettered capitalism, globalisation, staggering inequality and environmental change.

The film predominantly focuses on US corporate capitalism, but it is my hope that the viewer can recognise the relevance of what is being expressed with regards to domestic political and corporate activity.


Thanks to Studiocanoe:

[Full video: Obey–Film Based on Chris Hedges’ Death of the Liberal Class]


Transforming Capital

Citizens Connect on Sep 26, 2015

Economics professor Costas Lapavitsas argues that a world after capitalism would see money and credit move from being instruments that reinforce inequality into tools for genuine public service. His argument is accompanied by animation from Central Saint Martins students Dimo Mezekliev and Aizhan Abdrakhmanova, using images from bank notes around the world.

From the archives:

Obey–Film Based on Chris Hedges’ Death of the Liberal Class (Full Video)

Michael Hudson: It’s Not That They Are Too Big To Jail, But They Give Too Much Money To Hillary Clinton To Go To Jail

Abby Martin: Capitalism Cannot Be Reformed–Seize All the Banks–Dismantle the Empire!

Chris Hedges: Corporations Have Seized All Levers of Power + Rap News Special

Chris Hedges: Confronting the Signs of a Society in Decline

Ellen Brown: Banks Can Take Your Money In A Crisis

The Looming Collapse of the American Empire by Chris Hedges

8 thoughts on “Chris Hedges: Political Passivity + Costas Lapavitsas: Transforming Capital

  1. Pingback: If China Can Fund Infrastructure With Its Own Credit, So Can We by Ellen Brown – Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: Which Is Safer, a Public Bank or a Private Bank? by Ellen Brown + The Savings and Stability of Public Banking by Ralph Nader – Dandelion Salad

  3. Loved Chris Hedges in the interview with Lee Camp. Brilliant, as usual. I enjoyed his breakdown of corporate Capitalism though I see a minor detail or two slightly different. Sometimes this type of difference comes about due to semantics. Words often get in the way while communicating. I know that sounds ridiculous on one level, but language is imperfect and some concepts can get complex.

    A pet peeve of mine is the way we use labels. Many evoke an automatic response which affects people differently. This can cause confusion even between people who generally agree on a particular issue. Of course, it beckons one to look at the history of marketing – going back to the evil genius who is responsible for this fine art of deceipt and deception. Edward Bernays was truly one of the most destructive people of the 20th century if you look at the system he helped put in place by using his uncle’s techniques of psycho analysis.

    Sorry to ramble. It’s a fascinating, if depressing, subject.


  4. Adam Curtis has produced a fascinating new 166 minute film called HyperNormalisation, just released on the BBC iPlayer. Its a compelling deconstruction of the evolution of perception management and systems of social, financial and tactical control, really interesting. It’s woven narratives cover a period from 1975 to the present, including remarkable insights into the origins of suicide bombing and the history of US/Syria/Middle-east relations.

    In the UK, we have to pay for a TV license, because it funds the BBC. They have now made it an offence to watch replays on iPlayer without this license; but this deprives many older people on limited incomes with access to valuable content. Only BBC Radio is accessible free & to listen again to online. All seniors are also entitled to a free bus pass at 65, but not free train (or coach travel) as they used to provide in Ireland.

    I managed to watch an upload of HyperNormalisation the day before yesterday on YouTube, before it was blocked for BBC copyright infringement. Tut tut.

    Another review here

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