Will the Secretive TPP Trade Deal be Fast-Tracked Through Congress?

San Diego Day of Action

Image by Chris West via Stop FastTrack via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Last Updated: Nov. 11, 2014

Obama & McConnell Pledge Cooperation; Will Fast-Tracking Secretive TPP Trade Deal Top Their Agenda?

democracynow on Nov 6, 2014

democracynow – While the two parties have plenty to fight about in the new Republican Congress, Mitch McConnell, the possible next Senate majority leader, says he shares common ground with the president on international trade. What does this mean for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)? We get analysis from Lori Wallach of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, who notes that while some analysts say GOP gains will accelerate the passage of fast-track legislation in Congress to enable an agreement on the TPP, “it is kind of hard for the Republicans to voluntarily delegate more authority to the guy they’ve been attacking as the imperial president who grabs power that’s not his.” The controversial so-called free trade deal involves 12 countries and nearly 40 percent of the global economy. Trade ministers from the 12 countries negotiating the trade deal are due to meet in Beijing ahead of the Asia-Pacific economic summit next week to continue negotiations.

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John Nichols and Phil Gasper: Return of Socialism

Dandelion Salad

Capitalism isn't working

Image by celesteh via Flickr

“In the U. S. the Democrats have become what the Republicans used to be  and the Republicans have become lunatics.”  — Phil Gasper

“There’s only one party in America today, with two wings, the conservative wing, known as Democrats, and the reactionary wing, known as Republicans.” — Gore Vidal

“If you ever hear the term “Think Tank”, run from the room. Assume A) no one is thinking and B) a tank is coming your direction.” — John Nichols

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What about a National Policy Referendum and a write-in vote for president? by William John Cox

by William John Cox
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
June 27, 2011

 on Jun 25, 2011

Voters Evolt! promotes a Peaceful Political Evolution consisting of a national voting holiday and a uniform paper ballot which asks questions on a National Policy Referendum and provides for a Write-in Vote for President.

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Madison Protests May Spark a New Era of Protest Politics by Billy Wharton + Uprising in Wisconsin

by Billy Wharton
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
Examiner.com February 17, 2011
February 18, 2011

Wisconsin Teachers Protest

Image by WxMom via Flickr

Protests are erupting across Wisconsin in response to Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to strip public employees of the right to collectively bargain in order to impose a severe austerity package.  The focal point of the rallies was the capitol building in Madison where protesters took a page from the Egyptian protest movement and occupied the inside rotunda.  These protests may be the first sign that the deepening of the economic crisis that ensued in 2008 may push many more Americans into protest politics not seen in this country since the 1930s.

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Obama’s $3.7 Trillion Budget Calls for Military Spending Increases and Deep Cuts to Social Service Programs


Democracy Now!
Feb. 15, 2011

Obama’s $3.7 Trillion Budget Calls for Military Spending Increases and Deep Cuts to Social Service Programs

President Obama has unveiled a budget plan seeking to trim the federal deficit by cutting or eliminating some 200 federal programs, many dedicated to social services and education, while increasing military spending and funding for the construction of nuclear power plants. Announcing his $3.7 trillion proposal, Obama touted his previously stated pledge to freeze funding for domestic programs outside of the military for five years. Obama’s plan includes two modest tax hikes for banks and oil companies. It also calls for ending the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans in 2013 and returning the estate tax to its higher 2009 levels. For analysis of Obama’s proposed budget, we are joined by John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine. [includes rush transcript]

via Obama’s $3.7 Trillion Budget Calls for Military Spending Increases and Deep Cuts to Social Service Programs

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Wisconsin Corporations Skate as Governor Targets Public Employees by Billy Wharton

by Billy Wharton
Guest Writer
Dandelion Salad
Examiner.com February 13, 2011
February 15, 2011

Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker made national headlines this week by announcing his intention to strip public employees of collective bargaining rights.  He even threatened to call out the National Guard to back up this claim.  The bombastic proposal was presented as a part of plan to close the state’s $137 million budget shortfall.  The real kicker to Walker’s budget dreams is that while hacking away at public workers he also intends to lower tax rates.  Quite a feat, and it raises issues about just what the tax situation is in the state.

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Bill Moyers Journal: John Nichols and Terry O’Neill + Gretchen Morgenson + What is Reform?

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Bill Moyers Journal
March 26, 2010

John Nichols and Terry O’Neill

Bill Moyers takes a closer look at the newly signed health bill and explores the future of health care reform with THE NATION’s John Nichols and National Organization for Women president Terry O’Neill.

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Robert McChesney and John Nichols: The Death and Life of American Journalism Pt.2


February 27, 2010

McChesney and Nichols propose solutions for crisis facing journalism.

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‘The Death and Life of American Journalism’ Book Review, by Chris Hedges

by Chris Hedges
Featured Writer
Dandelion Salad
Feb 26, 2010

Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols in “The Death and Life of American Journalism” argue correctly that the old models for delivering the news are dead. They see the government as the savior of last resort. The authors cite the massive postal and printing subsidies that lasted into the 19th century as a precedent for government intervention. And they propose building a new generation of journalists and publications from new government subsidies and from programs such as their suggested News AmeriCorps, which would train the next generation of journalists.

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Robert McChesney & John Nichols: The Death and Life of American Journalism


Robert McChesney & John Nichols – The Death and Life of American Journalism

by pdxjustice Media Productions

Media scholar and author, Robert W. McChesney, and editor and author, John Nichols, talk about their latest book, The Death And Life Of American Journalism: The Media Revolution That Will Begin The World Again.

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This Is What The Democrats Wrought by Bruce Gagnon

by Bruce Gagnon
featured writer
Dandelion Salad
Organizing Notes
June 17, 2009


This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war/violence and should only be viewed by a mature audience.

Rethink Afghanistan (Part 4): Civilian Casualties – TRAILER

June 16, 2009

Trailer the part four of Rethink Afghanistan: Civilian Casualties. Watch the entire documentary online at http://rethinkafghanistan.com

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The World Food Crisis By John Nichols

Dandelion Salad

By John Nichols
This article appeared in the May 12, 2008 edition of The Nation.
April 24, 2008

The only surprising thing about the global food crisis to Jim Goodman is the notion that anyone finds it surprising. “So,” says the Wisconsin dairy farmer, “they finally figured out, after all these years of pushing globalization and genetically modified [GM] seeds, that instead of feeding the world we’ve created a food system that leaves more people hungry. If they’d listened to farmers instead of corporations, they would’ve known this was going to happen.” Goodman has traveled the world to speak, organize and rally with groups such as La Via Campesina, the global movement of peasant and farm organizations that has been warning for years that “solutions” promoted by agribusiness conglomerates were designed to maximize corporate profits, not help farmers or feed people. The food shortages, suddenly front-page news, are not new. Hundreds of millions of people were starving and malnourished last year; the only change is that as the scope of the crisis has grown, it has become more difficult to “manage” the hunger that a failed food system accepts rather than feeds.


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Exposed: the great GM crops myth

Fueling Food Shortages by Ralph Nader + Harry Chapin: Cats In The Cradle

William Clinton & Monsanto – a Team for Mutual Profit

Letter to Hillary about Monsanto connections (02.03.08)

Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear

Bill Moyers Journal: Hunger in America + Exposé Farm Subsidies + Soup Kitchen

Global Famine? Blame the Fed By Mike Whitney