Iran seeks IAEA suspension of US + Iran rightfully calls for America to be suspended from IAEA

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Sat, 17 Apr 2010 08:15:18 GMT

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says nuclear-armed states such as the United States should be removed entirely from the IAEA and its Board of Governors.

The “Nuclear Energy for all, Nuclear Weapons for None” disarmament conference kicked off in Tehran on Saturday with President Ahmadinejad outlining his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons.


via Iran seeks IAEA suspension of US

h/t: CLG


Thanks to Cem Ertür for sending this to DS.

Iran rightfully calls for America to be suspended from IAEA

by Mark Watson
April 17th, 2010

The leader of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has rightfully called on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to suspend America for constantly threatening to use nuclear weapons against his country and other states; and his bold stance could be a significant opportunity for the non-European world to stand up to western terrorism.

The leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on the IAEA to suspend America after its constant threats to use nuclear weapons against Iran and other states.

Ahmadinejad argued at the two-day nuclear disarmament conference hosted by Tehran that America was the only country to have committed an atomic crime against Japan when they bombed the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 200,000 people.

Ahmadinejad was particularly angry that in recent months the US government has threatened Iran with a nuclear strike should they continue with their nuclear programme to acquire an alleged nuclear weapon.

He pointed out that the structure of IAEA and Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was undemocratic and called for a fairer body where Latin America, Asia and Africa had the right to veto decisions made by the powerful members such as the US and Europe.

via Iran rightfully calls for America to be suspended from IAEA.



Thanks to Cem Ertür for sending this to DS.Up

Supreme Leader’s Message to International Conference on Nuclear Disarmament
April 17, 2010

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

I would like to welcome the honorable guests who have gathered here. It is a pleasure that the Islamic Republic of Iran is hosting the International Conference on Nuclear Disarmament today. Hopefully, you will make use of this opportunity and present human societies with the timeless and valuable results that you will obtain through discussion and consultation.

The study of atoms and nuclear sciences are one of the greatest human achievements which can and should be at the service of the wellbeing of nations across the world as well as the growth and development of all human societies. The applications of nuclear sciences cover a wide range of medical and industrial needs as well as energy requirements, each of which has considerable importance. For this reason, it can be said that nuclear technology has gained a prominent position in economic areas of life. And with the passage of time and the rise in industrial and medical needs and energy requirements, its importance will continue growing, and the efforts to achieve and utilize nuclear energy will increase accordingly. Just like other nations of the world, Middle Eastern nations that are thirsty for peace, security, and progress have the right to guarantee their economic position as well as a superior position for their future generations through utilizing this technology. Preventing the nations of the region from paying serious attention to this natural and valuable right is probably one of the goals behind creating doubts about the peaceful nuclear programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


via – Supreme Leader’s Message to International Conference on Nuclear Disarmament.


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