US quits Human Rights Council

Dandelion Salad
6 June 08

There was widespread consternation on Friday at the Palais des Nations in Geneva when the US mission gave up his observer status – a step backwards for human rights around the world, says Human Rights Watch.

Carole Vann/Juan Gasparini/Human Rights Tribune – The news that the US has completely withdrawn from the Human Rights Council spread like wildfire Friday afternoon (June 6) through the corridors of the Palais des Nations in Geneva. There was general consternation amongst diplomats and NGOS. Reached by phone, the American mission in Geneva neither confirmed nor denied the report. Although unofficial, the news comes at a time of long opposition by the Bush administration to the reforms which created the Human Rights Council in June 2006. Washington announced from the beginning that the US would not be an active member but its observer status would mean that it could intervene during the sessions. To date even this has rarely happened.


h/t: Mariné

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Traffic, Weather, Sports, Collapse! By Dmitry Orlov

Dandelion Salad

By Dmitry Orlov
Saturday, 07 June 2008

This blog has been quiescent for a couple of weeks (although the comments still keep flowing in on the older posts) because I have been busy promoting RC by giving radio interviews, while simultaneously finishing work on the boat that is our home and getting it ready for re-launch. As of yesterday, the boat is in the water, and the interviews seem to be settling down to a pattern, and so here I am, once again, bringing you an update.

It is only fair to warn you that over the next few weeks, you may be driving to work in the morning, listening to the radio, and hear something like this:

“Next we have Dmitry Orlov, the author of Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects.” Dmitry is a “leading Peak Oil theorist; [it actually says that on the back cover: yikes!] Dmitry, what does that mean, Peak Oil theorist?”

“Peak Oil is the theory that accurately predicted the all-time peak of oil production in the US in 1970, as well as what will probably turn out to be the all-time peak in global conventional oil production in 2005. But let me start by mentioning another theory: the theory of gravitational attraction. A physics professor I had in college once suggested that if we freshmen had any doubts about this theory, we could test it by jumping off a table while keeping our knees perfectly straight, and observe what happens to our spines. I would like to propose a similar test with regard to Peak Oil, but it’s even easier: just keep driving your car the way you are used to doing for a few more years, and observe what happens to your bank account.”

“But people have come on this show to tell me that we have plenty of reserves right in this country that we can’t tap because of some very extreme positions of certain environmentalists. Isn’t this just a political problem? Can’t we solve it if only we wanted to?”

“If all the environmentalists suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth, there would be a tragic loss of colorful calendars full of pictures of cute and majestic animals… Supposing we could proceed full speed ahead with the exploration of ANWR in Alaska, the continental shelf, and various other hopeful places within the continental US, then it would take up to 20 years for these new provinces to go on-stream, and then they would add up to no more than a few percent of our current consumption level. In the meantime, depletion in existing provinces would continue to run its course, adding up to a lot more than that. Also, by then, we will have lost access to most of our oil imports, because oil exporting countries are depleting their resources as well, and will need all of the remaining oil for themselves.”


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INN World Report: Daniel Estulin + The Bilderberg Group: Secret Society

Dandelion Salad

Note: Part II doesn’t have any sound. For a more complete interview see: The Bilderberg Group: Rulers of the World (must listen audio link; Daniel Estulin). ~Lo


Added: May 30, 2008
International News Net speaks with the author of “The Truth about the Bilderberg Group”

[no audio on Part 2; will check to see if they’ve replaced this video with another one that works.  Updated: apparently they’ve uploaded another video also without sound.  I’m guessing that they are working at getting one with sound.  ~ Lo]

h/t: x Timothy Michael x ~ L.O.™. ~ INC.


6.-8.Juni Meeting The Bilderberg Group: Secret Society


June 06, 2008

Kopie von
Das Bilderberg Meeting findet diesmal unter strengster Bewachung in Chantilly, USA, statt. Live Berichterstattung:

Eine Geschichte der Bilderberg Gruppe. Eine Geheimgesellschaft, welche allen anderen Geheimgesellschaften diktiert.

A History of the Bilderberg Group The Secret Society of Secret Societies, the one whom dicates to all the others.

Mehr Infos:

h/t: x Timothy Michael x ~ L.O.™. ~ INC.

More on Timothy’s blog post


BILDERBERG 2008 Teilnehmer



Kopie von BigFatTonyCal……

BILDERBERG LUMINARIEs are slipping into the Westfields Marriott here in Chantilly, Va., even as I write. They are trotting off private jets at nearby Dulles Airport, jumping into long, black limos and being escorted into their secret meeting to make much mischief.

Much discussion will be devoted to the cost of oil, which Bilderberg manipulates for selfish reasons. They will also devote much time to the housing crunch, food shortages generated by their causing corn to be diverted to ethanol and global economic turmoil. How they can profit from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will not be overlooked.

Leaders among the international criminal conspiracy are arriving: a frail, aging David Rockefeller, head of Chase Manhattan; his valet, Henry Kissinger, former secretary of state, and Peter Sutherland, chairman of Goldman Sachs International, among others.

Years ago, Bilderberg embraced the “global warming” issue as a means of
using energy policy to generate immense profits and power (these sons of smokestack industrialists have no need for money; there are only so many palatial homes and private islands and jets one can use, but money is power). The energy issue is entangled with the food shortage because of ethanol production, so there will be much intense discussion.

How Bilderberg addresses these issues will affect every American’s future.


Interestingly, of all the places in America where he could be, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama—the presumed Democratic nominee for president of the United States—just happens to be holding a rally tonight at Nissan Pavilion, a large outdoor amphitheater just a stone’s throw from the site of this year’s Bilderberg meeting.

Coincidence?More than likely he’s taking this opportunity to meet his new bosses. Whether he wins or loses, you can bet he’ll be getting his marching orders from the global elite. We’ll keep you informed.

James P. Tucker Jr.


The Bilderberg Group: Rulers of the World (must listen audio link; Daniel Estulin)

Unmasking the wannabe masters of the universe By Bev Conover

Who Runs The World And Why You Need To Know Immediately By Carolyn Baker (updated)


My analysis of Bilderberg 2008 by Stefan Fobes

Bill Moyers addresses NCMR 2008 (must see)

Dandelion Salad


Legendary journalist Bill Moyers address the National Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis, June 7, 2008. Presented by For more speakers, press coverage, and info, visit:

Continue reading

Hillary Endorses Obama For President (videos)

Dandelion Salad


Breaking News: Hillary Endorses Obama For President 6-7-08

Hillary Clinton Fully Supports and Endorses Barack Obama For The President Of The United States.



Hillary Clinton Endorsement Speech

Parts 1- 4 of Hillary’s endorsement speech on MSNBC.

Remarks With Turkish Foreign Minister Ali Babacan + U.S.-Turkey Agreement for Nuclear Cooperation

Dandelion Salad

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Treaty Room, Department of State, Washington, DC
June 5, 2008

View Video

[emphasis added]

QUESTION: Madame Secretary, what do you expect Turkey to do — increase pressure on Iran beyond the UN sanctions?

SECRETARY RICE: Well, there is a course set, first by the six states that have been actively seeking a solution to the Iranian nuclear problem… And that course is a dual-track approach by which Iran has been offered very generous incentives to get out of the business of enriching and reprocessing, and to accept the world’s help for a civil nuclear program…

I think one thing that we can do is we can all insist that the Iranian Government tell the truth to the world and to its people about what it’s been doing, about cooperating with the IAEA, but also in telling the truth about what it’s been offered… So, one track is a set of very generous incentives, trade and political and others.

The other track, though, is through the Security Council. And there are now three Security Council resolutions that speak directly to what Iran must do and all member states. And Turkey, of course, is a member in good standing of the United Nations. All member states have an obligation to carry out the terms of those resolutions and to use whatever offices they have with the Iranians to insist that the Iranians carry out the obligations that the UN Security Council has imposed.

QUESTION: Minister Babacan, what role Turkey could play to increase pressure on Iran over its nuclear program?

FOREIGN MINISTER BABACAN: Well, Turkey and Iran, we are also neighbors and we have dialogue with them. On the other hand, we are against nuclear weapons in our region. We do support the recent initiative of the six countries, including the United States, to come up with a new offer package for Iran. We are supporting this. And we believe that political dialogue could help to resolve the issue about nuclear program of Iran. Turkey is implementing the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. As long as the international community has one unified stance, Turkey is also implementing those decisions.


h/t: Cem Ertür


excerpt from:

Statement on U.S.-Turkey Agreement for Nuclear Cooperation (123 Agreement)

(Pact permits transfer of nuclear technology, material and reactors)

Statement by Sean McCormack, US State Department Spokesman, 2 June 2008

“On June 2, the U.S. and Turkey brought into force the U.S.-Turkey Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy through an exchange of diplomatic notes.

The Agreement provides a comprehensive framework for peaceful nuclear cooperation between the United States and Turkey under agreed nonproliferation conditions and controls.”


h/t: Cem Ertür


President Bush Nominates the Next Ambassador to Turkey

(excerpt from ‘Personnel Announcement’)

The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 5 June 2008

The President [George Bush] intends to nominate James Franklin Jeffrey, of Virginia, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Turkey. Ambassador Jeffrey, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, currently serves as Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor at the White House. Prior to this, he served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.


h/t: Cem Ertür

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McCain on gay marriage: I believe marriage should be between a man and a rich woman (satire)


by R J Shulman
Dandelion Salad
featured writer
Robert’s blog post
June 7, 2008

FLORENCE, Ala. – Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican candidate for President set forth his position on gay marriage today. “In order to keep the institution of marriage viable,” McCain told a rally at the Florence First Baptist Church of the Flaming Cross, “it should only be between a man and a rich woman.” He stated he would support a Constitutional Amendment that would ban same sex marriages.

“It works even better,” McCain said, “if the woman is a well stacked blonde who owns a liquor store or better yet, a beer distributorship.” McCain’s wife Cindy is a multimillionaire who owns Hensley & Co. which has made millions distributing beer. “I’m kinda startin’ to like that McCain fellah,” said Clemsy Winston, a 38-year old pipe fitter from Tuscumbia, Alabama, “I wonder if McCain could have that amendment say it’s alright if the blonde could bring her hot little sister along, too.”

McCain is currently campaigning in the south, trying to strengthen his support among the religious right. His campaign has hinted that he will be making a major speech tomorrow about his opposition to gay lobbyists, lobbyists who are gay and gay people in lobbies.

Senate report on Bush war lies: Another cover-up of war crimes

Dandelion Salad

By Barry Grey
7 June 2008

The Senate Intelligence Committee report issued Thursday on the Bush administration’s use of phony intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq is yet another exercise in damage control, aimed at concealing the full scope of the criminal conspiracy to drag the American people into a war of aggression.

The 170-page report was released a full five years after the Senate committee began its investigation into prewar intelligence claims. While acknowledging the well-established fact that Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, then-National Security Adviser and current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, then-Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and other top aides knowingly misled American and world public opinion, it minimizes the scale of this deception and draws no conclusions about its implications for democratic rights in the United States.

The Senate report, endorsed by all eight Democrats on the committee and two Republicans, proposes no follow-up investigations or sanctions against Bush and company. Even before the Democrats took control of Congress following the Republican rout in the 2006 midterm elections, Democratic congressional leaders ruled out any effort to impeach Bush, Cheney, or any of the other officials involved in the war plot.


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Neocons Perle, Feith, Libby and others pushed for Iraq War

Bill Moyers Journal: The Media, Mcclellan And The War

War Crime Sold By Neocon Deception, IMPEACH NOW!

US Issues Threat to Iraq’s $50bn Foreign Reserves in Military Deal

The world food crisis and the capitalist market Part I

Dandelion Salad

By Alex Lantier
7 June 2008

This is the first part of a three-part series of articles on the world food crisis. Part two will be posted June 9.

As the June 3-5 Conference on World Food Security of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) began in Rome, FAO Director Jacques Diouf said of the explosion of food prices: “It is touching every country in the world. We have not only seen riots and people dying, but also a government toppled [in Haiti], and we know that many countries… could tilt to one way or the other depending on the discontent or satisfaction of their population.”

With these words, Diouf expressed the growing concern of governments and ruling elites internationally over the potentially revolutionary implications of the upward spiral of prices for basic food staples, which has already sparked a social and economic crisis of global dimensions. In recent months, strikes and demonstrations against rising food prices have occurred in many parts of the world. These initial struggles have exposed the contradiction between the elementary demand of the world’s masses for affordable food and the workings of the capitalist market.

Diouf called for donations of US$30 billion to be invested in world agriculture. Even were this sum to be allocated, it would not begin to address the sources of the current crisis, which lie in economic and political processes of privatization and price speculation that have unfolded over the past three decades and are bound up with the globalization of capitalist agriculture.


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The Stolen 2008 Presidential Election

by Guadamour
featured writer
Dandelion Salad
Guadamour’s blog post
June 7, 2008

Everyone is asking: Who is Obama going to choose as a running mate? Concerning the recent past history, Does it really matter?

Obama is refreshing bright and erudite, and the best public speaker to come along in a least half a century.

Continue reading