Georgia’s aggression on South Ossetia is ethnic cleansing + Media briefing of Russia’s General Staff

Dandelion Salad


RT military analyst Evgeny Khruschev says the new Georgia — South Ossetia conflict is not the first attempt of Georgia to conduct ethnic cleansing of its neighbours.

Media briefing of Russia’s General Staff

Deputy Head of the Russian General Staff, Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsin, told journalists that Russia is attempting to contain the conflict and prevent it from spilling over into Georgia’s other breakaway republic, Abkhazia, or into Russian territory.

Sent to me by William Bowles visit his website:

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From ICH:

‘Bodies Are Lying Everywhere. It’s Hell’

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War between Russia and Georgia orchestrated from USA


From Stupid to Moronic to Evil By Paul Craig Roberts

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American says US & Georgia to answer for violence

Russia’s Defence ministry spokesman press-conference

A Dirty Adventure – Parts 1 & 2 by Richard Estes

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16 thoughts on “Georgia’s aggression on South Ossetia is ethnic cleansing + Media briefing of Russia’s General Staff

  1. Pingback: McCain, Obama react to Caucasus crisis + CNN caught using wrong footage | Dandelion Salad

  2. Pingback: A Path to Peace in the Caucasus By Mikhail Gorbachev | Dandelion Salad

  3. Pingback: The Reality Behind Western Propaganda Regarding War In Georgia | Dandelion Salad

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  6. Pingback: RNN: Who’s to blame for the Russian Georgian conflict? « Dandelion Salad

  7. Pingback: Medvedev orders end to military operation + Roadmap for Georgian peace + We saw no bombing in Gori « Dandelion Salad

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  9. Bob, I would prefer not to have corporate media propaganda on my blog. Where do you get your news from? I suggest watching the videos posted here and reading the articles linked at the end of the post.

    You left this same comment on another post.

  10. To this day we know Russia is the stronger country military wise, they have put their fear into Georgia by showing just that (entering the country with with an unnecessary abundant force, killing a vast amount civilians and then leaving again like nothing had happened)… hoping this fear will generate respect and future obedience to the Mother country. However and I quote… no, not from the Bible but from a known green midget source saying “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering” I pray the latter will not come to be, for the the day will surely come when Russia has burned its own bridges across the world and when allies are running short.

    As it is today what has happened will be forgotten in the stream of news from the Olympic Games, another thousand or so people have lost their lives due to Russians atempt to set the status que in balance. but in the end of the day we now that ” Fear is the path to the dark side”!

  11. Pingback: Irresponsible Risk-Takers in Command by Rodrigue Tremblay « Dandelion Salad

  12. Pingback: Russia-Georgia war could become nuclear!! « Dandelion Salad

  13. Pingback: Georgian troops fire at refugees + burying their dead « Dandelion Salad

  14. Pingback: What the HELL is going On? « Dandelion Salad

  15. I can’t stand this.
    & Did you hear bush?
    (And they call Edwards a hippocrite– so glad you’re not covering that!).
    I can’t stand this hideous militarism and the hippocracy in the statements of our government.
    Always the innocent are destroyed by these bombs. Why can’t it stop. Please stop bombing.
    There is no national strategy that can excuse this whole horror. I am so sad for the people. Once again.

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