Will Griffin: The Pentagon’s Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning

Image by Mike MacKenzie via Flickr

by Will Griffin
Writer, Dandelion Salad
April 18, 2023

“As of April 2021, the Department of Defense has been working on 685 projects which are deeply invested in the development of artificial intelligence. Their budget mainly in the joint AI Center has increased dramatically from 89 million dollars in 2019 to 278 million dollars in 2021.

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Teach Youngsters About Corporatism’s Harms, by Ralph Nader

Corporations are NOT People

Image by Catherine via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page, Sept. 24, 2021
September 26, 2021

If you think elementary, middle, and high school students know too little history, geography, and government, try asking them about the corporations that command so many hours of their day, their attention, what they consume, and their personal horizons.

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Chris Hedges: The Corporatization and Corruption of American Science

Till Dead Batteries Us Do Part

Image by Peter Kurdulija via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

Originally on RT America on Sep 4, 2021

The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel on Jul 5, 2022

On the show, Chris Hedges discuss the corporatization and corruption of American science with the author Clifford D. Conner.

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The Growing Disparity In Living Conditions and Its Consequences, by Rainer Shea


Image by Russ Allison Loar via Flickr

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, Aug. 9, 2020
August 10, 2020

The high-tech sector, along with the U.S. national security state that it partners with, have lately been pushing the idea of upgrading society into a futuristic technological structure that makes life far more convenient. Last year the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, an organization created in 2018 to further the partnership between U.S. intelligence agencies and tech plutocrats, articulated this vision in a document. It called for a near future where the country’s “legacy systems” are replaced with a new paradigm of infrastructure, one that allows for self-driving cars, total home delivery in alternative to retail, and home appliances that can connect to an “internet of things.”

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The Capitalist “Great Reset” and the Descent Into Techno-Tyranny + With the Economy’s Collapse, More Waves of Unrest are Inevitable, by Rainer Shea

One Nation Under CCTV

Image by Tom Blackwell via Flickr

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, June 15, 2020
June 18, 2020

Covid-19 has brought about the era of biopolitics, an era that will continue for the foreseeable future. This is because the virus is far from being defeated; a resurgence of it is likely to happen this fall, and the neoliberal world’s refusal to sacrifice business for public health is sure to perpetuate the pandemic for as long as neoliberalism exists. Biopolitics is also here to stay because we’ve reached a point in the climate crisis where global weather patterns are much more compatible with viruses than they used to be. More viruses are going to appear in the coming years with increasing ferocity, which will necessitate an irreversible series of changes to how society functions.

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If The Capitalist State Isn’t Overthrown, Its Grip Will Tighten, by Rainer Shea

That's The Sound of the Police, Occupy Oakland Move In Day (13 of 31)

Image by Glenn Halog via Flickr

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, June 3, 2020
June 4, 2020

The ruling class has more class consciousness than the lower classes do. They’re the ones who have to manage the relationship between the classes, and to keep this relationship in balance so that revolution is prevented. This makes them especially equipped to engage in what Marxists call dialectics—the practice of assessing material factors and opposing social forces. With this ability, they can adapt the power structure to be able to best respond to whatever threatens their interests.

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Capitalism’s Failure of the Flesh: The Rise of the Robots by Phil Rockstroh

Till Dead Batteries Us Do Part

Image by Peter Kurdulija via Flickr

by Phil Rockstroh
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Originally published Dec. 11, 2017
November 23, 2018

Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technology. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the cultural criteria of human life. At present, amid the technology created phantomscape of mass media’s lurid — yet somehow sterile — imagery, one can feel as if one’s mind is in danger of being churned to spittle.

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Chris Hedges: The Dark World of Silicon Valley and the New Capitalism

Chris Hedges: The Dark World of Silicon Valley and the New Capitalism

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
Watch the video below

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Nov 3, 2018

Richard Walker, Professor Emeritus of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley, discusses his new book, Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area with journalist Chris Hedges. The book reveals Silicon Valley’s tech giant elitism, its role as a symbol of new capitalism, and the dark world of underpaid workers who lack security and rising homelessness.

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“Google Should Not Be In The Business of War”: Understanding the Weaponization of Artificial Intelligence by Marc Eliot Stein

End War

Image by mSeattle via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

Republished with permission from David Swanson at World Beyond War

by Marc Eliot Stein
World Beyond War
June 9, 2018

In early April, more than 3100 Google employees signed a letter that begins with the words “Google should not be in the business of war”. The letter is a response to the company’s participation in a new US Department of Defense artificial intelligence program called Project Maven, which it describes as a “customized AI surveillance engine” designed to interpret visual images from drones, and concludes with a powerful request from Google employees to their management:
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Capitalism’s Failure of the Flesh: The Rise of the Robots by Phil Rockstroh

Till Dead Batteries Us Do Part

Image by Peter Kurdulija via Flickr

by Phil Rockstroh
Writer, Dandelion Salad
December 11, 2017

Humankind, being an inherently tool-making species, has always been in a relationship with technology. Our tools, weapons, machines, and appliances are crucial to forging the cultural criteria of human life. At present, amid the technology created phantomscape of mass media’s lurid — yet somehow sterile — imagery, one can feel as if one’s mind is in danger of being churned to spittle.

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Can UBI Be Funded Without Raising Taxes or Triggering Hyperinflation? by Ellen Brown

Money, Money, Money, Money (Day 22 of 50)

Image by Austin Kirk via Flickr

by Ellen Brown
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Web of Debt Blog
October 4, 2017

The policy of guaranteeing every citizen a universal basic income is gaining support around the world, as automation increasingly makes jobs obsolete. But can it be funded without raising taxes or triggering hyperinflation? In a panel I was on at the NexusEarth cryptocurrency conference in Aspen September 21-23rd, most participants said no. This is my rebuttal.

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Can the World Defend Itself from Omnicide? by Ralph Nader + How Big Pharma Created the Heroin Epidemic

Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning

Image by Mike MacKenzie via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page
July 27, 2017

Notice how more frequently we hear scientists tell us that we’re “wholly unprepared” for this peril or for that rising fatality toll? Turning away from such warnings may reduce immediate tension or anxiety, but only weakens the public awareness and distracts us from addressing the great challenges of our time, such as calamitous climate change, pandemics, and the rise of a host of other self-inflicted disasters.

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“The Development of Full Artificial Intelligence Could Spell The End of The Human Race” by Ralph Nader

Dandelion Salad

by Ralph Nader
The Nader Page, August 17, 2015
August 20, 2015

When the stunning article “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us” by Bill Joy, chief scientist for Sun Microsystems, made the cover of Wired Magazine in April 2000, it created quite a rumble in high-tech circles. Its argument was that “our most powerful 21st century technologies—robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech—are threatening to make humans an endangered species.”

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They Want Your Soul (must-see video)

Dandelion Salad

I posted this previously on my old blog on August 23, 2006. ~ Lo

Replaced video Aug. 3, 2014

By Ignorance Isn’t Bliss
Featured writer
Dandelion Salad

IIB Productions
16 min 57 sec – Jun 12, 2006

Stop Fascism Action Network·May 16, 2009 Continue reading